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Is he coming, Mrs cheta roams the large evergreen garden which is brightly decorated with pair of Udara tree, at the western part of the Cheta residence, obviously ignoring her pestering yelling.
Don't act is if you are not hearing, zaps to her beloved hubby direction sitting at the polish tan upholstery, gazing at his enchanted compound. I swear can you please stop your interview"? Stares at his troublesome wife. I'm just saying, looks at the empty seat rolls her eyes before suffocating the cushion with her curves. Angie calm down why so worked up anyway! Purses seeing worrisome face of his lovely wife. I'm just helping Rebecca, at least since she so in love with my future in-law chuckles on her nonchalant expression. You and your cloud nine of yours, how adamant he will fall her? Removes his gaze from his compound glaring at his phone. Don't you want to be grandfather? Eh tha is still early, she is the first, twenty six of age, come on cool your taught of yours. As a servant dismerge their conversation; "Sir he's here. Good bring him, dismissed his servant. Now are you okay.... Not seeing his wife already thaa Angie!!.

   Good evening ma bows displaying his respective possession, evening Udo welcomes her guest inside orders the staff to adjust and inform the rest. Such a handsome looking man no wonder she fell for you. Pls call me aunt, smiles to the ambitious lad, hah my boy finally showed his face appears Doc Mmako, satired with a
Black designers top similar with his black barrel jeans matching with his Similar colored designers flip flops. "What with the black satire, glances at the drooling house helps nods apparently at this mischief. Ask he been issued to the large dinning at the eastern part of the enormous residence. Good evening greets the servants, " only ladies!? As they approached their destination passing the large decorative balcony. Good evening sees two identical greeting him not wearing the house helps attire. " You must be... Udo this are my twins describes his superior, Jane and James meet young uncle Udo, smiles warmly at the gorgeous twins. As the couple issues Udo at his seat, where is your daughter ma'am seats majestically at the luxurious dinning with accompanied the crimson upholstery jest fitted the transparent dinning. She will be in a second, thanks for the consideration, grins at her cloud nine future son in-law. Uh looks at the middle aged lady in her pink Ankara dress matching with her pink clogs. Unlike the twins with glamours with their pink and purple tessellate native attires. Orders as the brought in the dinner. Sorry I'm late catches the glance of stunning masculine figure in his populace colour. Blushes blandly catwalks to her seat which is it by his side connects with her plans.
Uh Rebe you look stunning in outfit, gazes at the lilac hollandaise dress fits with her hair band matching with her flip flops. Thanks blushes intensively at the compliment. As the helps arrived with their dinner plane dishes;Fried Rice with seasoned meats Akpu and  okra soup. I will choose Rice ma'am, as the handover his wants. The elderly ate the swallow, as the ate silently waiting for siege.
"So Udo when will you marry? His so called aunt desperately breaks the silence siege, her hubby and the guest jaw drops widely staring at wife/aunt. Ah mum what's with the quiz, Rebecca breaks from her trance like others except for the twins who already knew their mom. I'm still young ma'am finishes his dish dabs his mandible with his hanky. Your mate are married why don't you.... Enough Angie who stops his demanding wife, geez why the conjugal question pacing at his wife and daughter surely they must have planned it. Fii looks at the embarrassed Rebecca while the latter's gloats. So Rebecca you are the CEO right, looks at her attractive profile "Fii she is attractive, but my heart doesn't thump for her reminisce his bereaved brother;" when you're in love with someone your heart thumps irregularly for that person and you must protect that person as your lost precious". Clenches his fist, " I miss you Dede looks around trying to fight his sullen tears. Then a call zooms in looks at the caller ID, uncle.. pls can I have a moment, leaves their presence. Angie what's wrong with you? Looks at her grievingly.
  Come on cheer up I'm just being casual, smirks heinously at the cringed husband, right Rebecca? Yes mum who still wonder why mum blurted out of sudden. Mum he's young blessing added,who giggles with her twin and rich, cunningly beautiful in place of handsome, sis can you win him Ugo added looking at his furious sister.
Keep quiet or  I seized what returned recently. As the twins maintained recalling countless times she threatens to seize their phones. Enough Rebecca Dad calls off from the other end, staring at the startled twins, they are in the university, why don't you be a good Ada and you may even be helped, teases his nuisance daughter, Angie stands to withdraw the plates. Mum let me help you, stands to leave, if not of her gentle and teasing dad. " Why can't you help your daughter at this moment looks at concentration taken father. Dad,mum thank you as the twins greeted helping their mom and big sis why the hate seeing the helps taking care of the dinning. Hubby thank you.. thank you your food was... Mum let's go as the rushed their mom out of the dinning. At least not for today muses Rebecca, thank you dad.....
Sir we have founded your missing sister in-law and her children alive but your.... What!!! Interrupts the unwanted suspension. Speak out uncle James, he is coma at your father location! What are joking, uncle is to late for jokes!? I'm serious oga, he was founded yesterday 11pm at the family safe house, his children came with a stolen excellion car. Thanks for the news.. sir when are you coming back?.
What happened? Stares at the enchanted compound from the top. Ah your cousin has founded about your girlfriend. Did she come there? Yes in a jaunt with her friend. Okay thanks for the snippet. Cuts the call, looking at the automatic gate as guards enjoys themselves, what a family flashback of his family from first to last assembles at the safe house with his everyone dinning, until that incident about his Dede so called demeanor. Seriously to be in a secret enforcement is really tough, looks at the missed calls, seriously is she... Contemplates whether to call, then startled by footsteps behind turns immediately fuzzes seeing doc Mmako. Sorry for fuss, don't mind my wife places hands over a milk refreshing drink, I know sir just a question that's all opens his drink, hmph just beware of my wife, just looking for a groom for my daughter. Cheers pads with his superior. Don't quiver but you don't force love. I know but my daughter loves you. Uh I get it I will do my best, besides I'm still young. Do you have anyone in your heart?. Sir why the question, looks face to face with his superior. Just be careful the trademark of the city is news...........

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