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SCHOOL’S BEEN THE TYPICAL ANNOYING, depressing, and bored per usual. Senior year’s been a relief, yet quite stressful.

Zahara just arrived ten minutes before the bell rang. Parking her baby in the school’s parking lot, she tossed her car key into her school bag carelessly and slung it across her left arm before walking to class.

Her baby isn’t exceedingly costly, wasn’t the nicest either, but most importantly, she loved her. It’s black Hyundai Elentra–the N model. Her father actually bought it amidst of senior year. She had rejected his gift at first, not wanting to be the spotlight in school.

Don’t get her wrong. She appreciated his generous gesture but really hated being the centre of attention, especially when holding a low reputation in school.

Now, as she walked through the hallway, she became nervous, knowing she’d eventually become the headlight of todays gossip.

In reality, she’s not scared of anybody, but the shocked looks and whispers she’s bound to receive in class are definitely nerve-wracking. In addition, being the lime light for an entire month, isn’t anything she’d bargained for.

Immediately she weaves through the bustling hallway, everyone halted. Okay, twenty – no thirty, she’s not sure. But multiple eyes gawked at her as she continued her way to class. She had her school bag on her shoulder and her phone on her right hand as she strolled down the hallway.

She tries to ignore the excessive whispers, students pointing her as they boldly speak of her. Shrugging it off, she airily walked into her first class of the day. She can feel today’s going to be the longest and annoying day she’d ever spend in school.

She made way to her desk that’s in the middle row and pulled out her notebook and pen.

Biology class has always been boring for her, plus Miss Arial isn’t the nicest. She’s mostly mean and proud, assuming they are familiar with everything. Mostly, Zahara dislikes the look on her face - fierce and snobbish.

As Miss Ariel strides pompously into class, a second before the bell rings, the rest of the students rush in and sit in their seats.

She listens to Miss Ariel’s lectures attentively for the first time in her life and tries to ignore the stupefied looks and whispers from behind her. Due to her enhanced olfactory sensation, assortments of colognes, strong perfumes, and sweaty bodies emanate her nostrils, which made her reconsider her birth gift.

It might seem like a gift, but in reality, it’s more of a torment. Shared murmurs make her head turn slightly and listen to the gossip going closely behind her.

“Do you know why she’d concealed her real identity from everyone in school?” A female voice behind her asked, and she immediately recognized their class president’s voice and her two arrogant friends–Lyra and Marissa. The three girls are the school’s most famous and attractive. Having wealthy parents was a bonus, and they did little to hide their self-importance. They always have that pompous look and never paid people like Zahara a second glance due to their assumptions of her being impoverished. People like her were considered a piece of shit in the eyes of the three hottest girls in school.

Why’d you think? She thinks she’s better than everyone.” Lyra’s voice was a tad bit low, but because of her enhanced hearing ability, she felt like the girl was speaking directly into her ears. “Haven’t you seen the way she sauntered into class just now? Like she owns the school?Zahara can’t help but feel unenthused at how conceited she sounds.

Marissa huffed before rolling her catlike hazel eyes. “If she thinks she’s better than everyone, I’d be ecstatic to break this news to her,” her voice was smug, and Zahara could feel the envy oozing off of her. “I was born and raised in old money. In fact, I am basically from what you call old generation mogul family. So, I see no reason why she’s so egotistical,” Marissa brags.

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