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Valerie O'Driscoll P.O.V

"Vie! Get down here right now!" A groan left past my lips, shoving my face in my pillow in hopes of shutting out the lights.

I heard Mom walk around the house, her movements fast and hasty. She was once again late, probably for work or one of her morning sessions with her clients.

I just wanted to go back to my dreams, not that it was anything interesting. My dreams were always filled with clothes of darkness or the boy I hates' face.

Ironic huh?

Even though he never looked at me once in my life, he still walked around in my head, and my dreams. It even left me exhausted at times, frustrated and annoyed.

I found every morning the worst, knowing that I'd probably see him. He was everywhere, each place I went he was there, and at times I felt like he was stalking me.

But even though, why would he?

"Valerie!" Mom's feet was rushing up the stairs and probably to my bedroom. I jumped off the bed, knowing very well I'd get my ear pulled if she caught me in bed.

My feet hit my cold wood floor as I rushed to my small bathroom, shutting my door behind me and locking it just as I heard Mom open my bedroom door.

"Valerie? We are running late!"

Grabbing my toothbrush, I started brushing, avoiding my reflection on the small square mirror. "I'm in the bathroom mom!"

"Well get it over and done with, Vie. You know I can't be late for work!" I rolled my eyes, spitting out the toothpaste.

Immediately jumping in the shower, I thanked God it was a hot morning, or else heating up water would have probably pissed her off even more.

My shower was over in ten minutes and I was grabbing a random shirt and pulling it over my body, seeing that I was skinny as a stick, I thanked Mom for buying me oversized shirts and hoodies to hide my shameful body.

Even though it made me look smaller.

I put in my white converse, tying my messy brown curls of thick hair in a high ponytail. Grabbing my bag and running out of my bedroom.

As soon as I stepped down the last stairs, Mom emerged from the kitchen, she scowls. Shaking her head as she eyes my outfit, her hand running through her blond hair. Yes, mom is a white blonde woman and I'm not adopted.  "How many times do I have to tell you to stop dressing like a boy?"

I frowned, walking pass her and beelining for our small fridge. Getting my hands on an apple and orange juice box. I turned to glare at her. "You're the one who buys them for me, Mom."

"Only because you threatened to burn every dress, skirts and shorts I ever buy for you." She said in matter of factually, making me sigh. "I still don't get what you try to hide, you're gorgeous, sweetie."

Looking at her with no interest, I hummed. Minding my own business and eating my apple. "I like dressing like this, it's comfortable."

Mom sighed, her hands dropping to her hips. She huffed but shrugs it off. "We'll talk about this later, let's go."

There's no way, in hell am I going to entertain this conversation again.

Jumping in my mom's mini-cooper, we started driving down to my doom. Even though we didn't have the best things, we were stable enough, and had a cute car to drive us where we wanted to go.

Mom was more calm once we were on the road and drove peacefully. She glanced at me, and I groaned, I knew where she was going to go. "So, Vie sweetie..."

"I don't have one, Mom." She smirked, cracking me a smile after a while. "...and I don't need one."

"...yet." She voiced. "You don't have one, yet." I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. "Eventually, you'll have yourself a boyfriend and I want to be the first to know."

Sticking my head out the window, I ignored her. Humming to not seem disrespectful, but she wasn't having it. "And he'll sweep you off your feet, make your heart beat like crazy, and sparks will fly."

"Cliché." I mumbled, something told me I didn't agree with myself. Deep down, I also had those same fantasy.

"You won't be saying that when you find the right one."  Mom fussed about. "Love is unpredictable."

"That only happens in movies." I dismissed, not believing my own words. Forcing myself to be a realist.

"Okay honey, enjoy your day and l love you!" Mom shouted as I ran out of the car to the school gates that was about to be closed by the security guard.

The guard sent me a small smile before letting me in. I rushed in and down the quiet hallway.

I cursed silently, I was late for my music class and miss Yana wasn't going to spare me today. This was the third time in a week.

As soon as I opened the door of my classroom, miss Yana stared daggers at me under her fake lashes. She was in her usual attire, tight blouse that left her chest exposed and mini-skirt.

I wonder how on earth she wasn't fired yet, seeing that this was no average University, it was one of the prestige University in North Carolina.

I heard she slept with some of her students, disgusting.

"Valerie, you're late again!" She exclaimed. Watching me walk to her. She pointed her manicured finger at me. "This behavior will not be accepted. This is tardiness!"

The class had their eyes at me, entertained by this. My eyes dropped to the floor as I hugged my bag to my chest. "I'm sorry, miss Yana. I was stuck in traffic and-"

"Again with your excuses." Yes, they might be excuses but I'm not about to tell her that I couldn't get off my bed.

I was studying the music notes she gave us all night,  yesterday. Trying to get it in my head, and here she was, scolding me. "I'm so sorry-"

"Just take your seat."

Nodding, I ran to the back and sat on my butt, doing my best to not get noticed. Something always had to happen, goodness.


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