News With A Bang ; 2016-10-15 ; 11:55

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What happened at the Winter fair

The Winter fair is held every year in the middle of October, as a preparation and for welcoming the winter season. A lot of people are always looking forward to the fair and the number of visitors keeps rising every year. It is a three day event, going from Friday to Sunday, with multiple planned events within it. This year it's scheduled from the 14th to the 16th.

But on the fair's first day, it took a dark turn. A male, now identified as Im Iseul: the last member of the disbanded mafia 'CH', was led up to the stage standing on the plaza where the fair is located. The stage was surrounded by four visible cards from the suit of Diamonds.

Not long after the male standing on the stage got there a single shot was fired. But none of the four males standing around him did it, according to multiple witnesses they didn't have guns pointed at him.

But that seems to have been the plan, right after the male is shot the four start moving. They are described to have had no reaction to the event, and to have no intention of saying anything to the ex-mafia member. Two of the cards leave the area and the other two walk up to the body before leaving as well.

What they did is still unknown. Some witnesses talk about taking something from Iseul's jacket and others say they were just making sure he was actually dead.

When they left, police arrived at the scene and blocked exits. Preventing everyone from both exiting and entering the area.

One witness explained how she heard, who she thought was King of Diamonds, mention three other cards when giving an order. Two of Diamonds, Six of Diamonds and Ten of Diamonds. The order given, from what she understood, mentioned members getting picked up.

Another witness saw two of the cards running out of one exit, at first actually going unnoticed by the few officers seen there. They explain how they tried getting the officers to notice the two, and how one of the officers managed to fire a shot at them. Unfortunately it didn't hit its target and the two got away. A few other shots were fired as well, but none of them got the two to stop, and the officers didn't run after them.

The other two, which seem to be Ace of Diamonds and Three of Diamonds, went unnoticed longer. Actually no witness talks about seeing Three of Diamonds leaving the area. However Ace of Diamonds was seen running from multiple officers.

Multiple witnesses talk about hearing 10-15 gunshots a pretty long time after the cards had left the stage. Since Ace of Diamonds is seen running from officers, it's not impossible that the shots are related to that. As well as the few aimed at the two that ran out together, and were seen doing so.

In the end all cards got away from the location, and other than the shot male, only officers died. The exact number of officers that died have not been confirmed.

When looking at where the ex-CH member was shot from, the trajectory of the bullet, the building where the sniper must have been, was found. Police searched a few floors that seemed to match in angle, and they found the spot used.

A window facing the stage was left open and a picture of the targeted male was stuck to the window frame. A single bullet casing was found on the floor as well.

But other than that no traces were left behind, and police are still not closer to finding who they are.

- Chan

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