♣️ 2016-08-08 ; 03:58 ; Monday ♣️

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High Gold had agreed to meet with them and it was finally time. It wasn't too surprising, DoC had reached out with a deal that was crafted in just the perfect way. Seven of Clubs had together with Nine and King looked at a way to secure the partnership, and for a long time too. The fineprint ended up a nightmare (partly because of Jack of Hearts) and it looks like High Gold will get a lot more out of it than they actually will.

Seven of Clubs have had some digital contact with the gang – really simple and only to decide on the meeting, after they agreed to meet. He sent over a little preview of the contract, or deal, they wanted to make. They agreed really fast and now here they are. It's an abandoned park almost in the middle of their territory, and the only part of it they seem to be able to hold onto. The park isn't all that much, both overgrown and dirty.

King, Queen and Nine arrived about five minutes ago and just when they were starting to doubt if the gang was going to show up, they did. Two males walked up to them, they were very uncoordinated and one of them kept tripping over nothing.

"Boys," one of them greeted, "you are boys right?" King nodded slightly to answer the question and they got straight to work.

Nine took out a copy of the contract they had written up and handed it over to the male that hadn't tripped over nothing on the way over. Said male looked it over and nodded as he did so.

"Can we get a moment to talk about it?" He asked.

"Of course." King answered with a nod.

The two males turned around to talk, they didn't walk away at all so the members of DoC could hear what they were saying. It sounded mainly positive and when they turned back around it was proven.

"We like this part," the male with the paper in his hand said and pointed at the paper. His finger was aimed at the description of the product, the drugs. "But, this," he pointed at the price, "looks like a scam. Do you think we're stupid?"

King felt his heartbeat rise, of course he knew it was overpriced as hell.

"No, of course not. We're not trying anything funny, and this is just something for us to build on. If you have any suggestions or something you're not happy with, say so." Nine started with a calm tone.

"The price for this product is a lot higher on the market than this – why do you think we're looking for new suppliers? But this is way below market prices."

"We can fix that. How far up do you want to go?"

"Add a zero and we got a good base"

Nine nodded and that was about it, the High Gold members came with some more pointers and the cards argued some of them but mostly agreed – it was largely in their favour anyways. They decided on a new time and place for the meeting with the remade contract, in the middle of next week in this park, and left.

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