Jessica sat by the window, watching with wide-eyed fascination as Jake shovelled the snow off the driveway.
The majority of the snow had melted on the main road, but the long driveway to the house was covered in thick, clumpy snow. Not that his car would have any issues getting out. But he said he would do it in case her mother needed to get out. He'd been out there doing it for the majority of the morning, starting near the main road and making his way back towards the house. He wasn't far away from the porch steps now; you could see the sheen of sweat on his forehead.
It made Jessica's heart swell to see how considerate he was. Jake was so thoughtful and caring. He acted like this broody, moody man, but he wasn't. Not truly, deep down. Or was he just that way with her?
She sat inside in the warmth, her face practically pressed against the window, watching the way his body worked. He bent at the knee as he gathered snow on the shovel, his arms and shoulders tensing as they heaved the snow over his back. It had become a pattern for his body to do the same movement with ease over and over again.
It was magnificent to watch.
How would he look under that thick grey coat? His muscles, grinding together like a machine to get the job done. You could visibly see his thighs tense every time he bent to pick up a load.
She licked her lips with anticipation as he bent down again.
And there it was: the squeeze.
She sighed as he heaved the shovel over his shoulder again. And then repeat.
How was it possible to look like that? If the Greek gods existed, they would be jealous.
She was surprised that girls didn't swoon and faint as he walked by.
Why is she only now truly realising how attractive he was? She'd known he was cute all along, but he's recently changed right in front of her eyes. Going from the type of cuteness you notice in passing to someone you spot and pay attention to.
She found herself thinking of him constantly, both when he was there and when he wasn't. She was always wondering what he was doing, what he was wearing. Imagining the way his eyes creased when he smiled or the way the tips of his ears grew red when she said something a little teasing.
They hadn't spoken about their almost kiss the night before. It hung between them like a heavy cloud pressing against them, ready to burst, sending sparks of lightning and thunder all around them at any given moment. They were always thinking about it, but neither of them mentioned it. And so the cloud grew and grew.
What would have happened if they had kissed? Would things have gone further?
She rested her chin on her hand, her eyes fluttering closed for a few seconds as the images flashed by.
Lips pressed against lips.
His large hands tangled in her fiery hair.
He lowered her to his still-unmade blow-up bed, skin against skin.
His hips pressing against hers, his body felt so hard and heavy against her own.
Those eyes, startingly blue against his dark hair, were looking down at her from above.
His lips on her ear, his voice low and husky as he whispered, you feel so fucking good.
She nibbled her thumb nail, adjusting in her seat to get some friction down there. She turned back to the window, and he was still outside.
Bend, scrape, heave, and throw.
If he could throw a pile of snow like that so effortlessly, what else could he do? She took a long sip of her coffee, admiring him secretly.
Love After You
RomanceJessica's stomach fluttered, her gaze dropping to his lips then back up again. "I always hated my hair colour growing up." She observed, why did people bully you for being ginger? It was such a weird thing to bully someone for. He shook his head, as...