Chapter 26

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Sitting around the fire, Jake retrieved his guitar from the tent, feeling brave enough to play now that they'd shared a few beers and it was dark. He started to tune it while Jess roasted a few hot dogs around the wild red flame. creatures buzzed around them; the wind blowing through the trees created a light hum in the air. It felt almost magical. Spiritual.

"How long until Noise releases their album?" Jess asked, flipping the sausages over.

"Couple of months," he told her, plucking the string and grimacing when the note wasn't quite right. "And then they go on tour. The first night of the tour is actually in Bristol, and it's already sold out. But..." He placed the guitar down, running back into the tent before coming out and walking to the log where she sat. "I got this for you. An early birthday present."

Jess frowned at the brown envelope. It was plain, giving nothing away about its contents. "Am I supposed to wait until then? Or can I open it now?" He nodded, and she ripped the paper open, like a child opening their Christmas presents. Pulling the contents out, she gasped at what she saw. There were tickets to see the live concert, but not only that, there were also backstage passes.

It was something Jess had always dreamed of: being so close to the stage that you could smell the sweat and feel the vibration of the music. But this was something she had never even considered possible. "Jake, I can't accept this! It must have cost you a fortune."

He shook his head, "They gave them to me for free. I guess for doing such an amazing job with the album." He told her with a hint of smugness in his voice, which she rolled her eyes at. "They gave me two tickets, so you can take whoever you want."

Jess frowned. "Don't you want to go?"

"Well, obviously. But it's my gift to you, and I think you should be able to choose who goes with you-"

"Jake, will you please come with me?" Jess asked, cutting him off.

He beamed and nodded, giving her a quick peck as she handed him one of the tickets back.

He looked at her sheepishly as he started to tune the guitar again. "Can I play you something I've been working on?"

Jess nodded and flipped the sausages again.

She leaned back as he started to play, fingering the chords with ease. The tune was pretty, simple, catchy. The song was more slow and enticing; it wasn't heavy rock or dance; it was sorrowful, like a love poem.

He started to sing, and Jessica's eyes shot to him; she was speechless. His voice was raspy, raw, and filled with so much emotion as he sang the lyrics.

Lips on lips with soft moans

Your name etched into mine

Hoping you're the one

I get to call my own

Cut me open; you belong there

My darlin'.

My darlin'

He stopped and lowered the guitar down, "That's all I have at the moment." He glanced at her, a blush on his cheeks.

Jess made her way to him, sitting on his log and taking his hand in hers. "It was beautiful, Jake. Truly. I can't wait to hear more."

He beamed, "Really?"

Jess nodded. "Really, where did you think of those lyrics?"

He looked away, a slight blush burning his cheeks, "I've always struggled with lyrics, but around you I seem to find them easier."

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