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5 Years Later

The sound of crying woke Jess up with a fright. At first, she couldn't place where she was. Then the familiar surroundings of her bedroom came into view, her hand glided over her soft bed sheets, and her heart slowed to its natural rhythm. She was in bed, in her own house. Safe and sound.

She closed her eyes, drifting back to sleep, when the crying started again, a soft whimper coming from a small monitor on her nightstand. She sighed in relief, reaching forward to grab the monitor to see if her son was okay.

An arm wrapped around her waist, Jake's large, strong hand cupping her swollen belly. "Go back to sleep." He murmured into her hair, kissing just behind her ear as he started to scoot out of the bed.

"But it's my turn." She told him as she tried to sit up, but her growing stomach was making that rather difficult these days.

"I got him; you get some rest." He told her as he stood up from the bed in nothing but his boxers, which hung low on his hips. Sometimes Jess wondered how on earth she had one child barely 15 months old with another ready to make her grand entrance into the world in less than 6 weeks. But then she sees Jake, in all his early morning glory, and the pang of desire creeps over her skin.

He gave her a coy smile. He knew that look; he knew all her looks. "You need rest, sugar; get your head out of the gutter."

She groaned and shuffled back down into a comfy position. Picking up the monitor again, she watched as Jake picked up the baby, who stopped crying instantly once safe in his father's arms.

Jess smiled, feeling complete.

As if on cue, the little bundle in her belly shuffled around. The sensation is familiar, soft, and gentle this time, despite the fact that it can be quite rough at times. But tonight, it was like the flutter of a butterfly's wings against her skin. Like she was reminding Jess of her presence. It took her breath away every time she felt them; it wasn't something you could ever get used to fully.

"Don't worry, Kira; I'd never forget you." She whispered to her bump, rubbing her hand over the tight skin.

She propped herself up on the pillows, chasing the kicks with her hand each time they came.

Her heart was full.

The last five years with Jake had been one for the story books. They both ended up on tour with Noise. Jake was their opening act, and Jess couldn't have been more proud. She stood backstage, taking photos and videos of everything, never wanting to forget a single moment. She was so proud of him, and every time he played, he dedicated his songs to her.

His song, My Darlin', was a hit. They released it not long after the tour, and she remembered how surreal it was to hear it on the radio for the first time.

He recorded a whole album, played in a few places around the UK, but ultimately decided he enjoyed producing music more and staying in one place to be closer to her. She didn't ask him too; she never would have wanted to interfere with his dreams. But ultimately, she had a business to run, and she couldn't be swanning off whenever it suited her.

But he made the choice to stay home with her, and she was so glad he did.

Her bakery was a huge success; she had two more shops open, one in London and one in Cardiff. It was more than she could ever have dreamed of.

The baby cooed again, a little giggle filling the room as Jake rocked and shushed him back to sleep.

Nothing could have ever prepared Jess for the wonders of this life. The wonders of life with Jake.

She was lucky enough to have experienced two great loves: her first husband, and now her soon-to-be second husband, whom she will be marrying soon.

She was a mother now, to the most beautiful baby boy. It was a shock. Seeing those two pink lines on the test wasn't how she had planned things. But seeing Jake's face when he pulled out the little white baby grow along with the pregnancy test changed her forever.

"Lucas Adam Murphy..." Jake sighed whimsically on the monitor, his voice nice and clear as the baby tucked into his shoulder: "I don't think anyone could love someone as much as I love you." He told his son, making Jessica smile.


Sorry for the delay with this short Epilogue!

Once again, thank you all SOOO much for reading Jessica's and Adam's story!

Words can not express how much it means to me. 

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Shunice x

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