Chapter 17

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Jake and Jess were driving across the Seven Bridge into Wales. Jake was driving, humming along to the music that played as they drove. The tall pillars of the Seven Bridge were iconic, travelling for what seemed like miles above their heads as they passed under it. Jess watched with wide eyes, enchanted.

"We're officially in Wales." She told him as they drove off the bridge.

He shook his head, "Not yet. You've got to wait to pass the sign first." He told her, smiling at how excited she was.

And soon enough, a big white sign with the famous Welsh red dragon on top came into view. Under the dragon, it read, "Croeso I Gymru." And underneath that, it said, "Welcome to Wales."

Jess beamed at him, her face full of a wide, captivating smile.

And even though it was less than an hour from Bristol, the weather seemed to change from a normal overcast day to torrential rain as soon as they passed the sign.

Typical Welsh weather.

They carried on driving, enjoying the way the landscape changed before them. Rolling hills, fields of vegetation and animals. Jess awwed when they drove past some sheep with their newly born lambs and cows and their young calves. It was beautiful, even with the rain.

Eventually they arrived at the B&B, and Jess practically jumped out of the car as soon as he stopped. "I can't believe we're actually here! That we're actually doing this!" She squealed excitedly, pulling the hood of her green rain coat over her head.

He didn't bother pulling the hood up of his jacket, he didn't really care to much about getting wet. He actually enjoyed it. He grabbed their bags, leaving the camping gear inside the truck, which was safe and secure under the cover.

He led the way inside the B&B. It was a quaint, small cottage type of place. An open fire place sat in the centre of the main wall, a roaring fire lit inside. Jess warmed her hands as Jake made his way to the large windows at the front to peer outside.

Pen Y Fan Mountain was a couple of hours' walk from here, not too far. You could actually see it in the distance as you looked out the windows at the glorious view. It truly was breathtaking, even though the weather was terrible.

It was small, and the air smelled like delicious deep-fried food. It made his stomach groan in protest as to why he wasn't eating it.

He plopped their bags on the floor and rang the bell on the front desk. Soon after, a short, stumpy man with grey hair came around from the back room with a big, broad smile on his chubby face. Jake remembered him from his trip with Adam, though he didn't really speak to him then. He just prayed he didn't remember him.

"Croseo! Croseo! Prynhawn da." He bellowed, his voice deep and thick with a Welsh accent. Noticing the way Jake and Jess stared at him dumbfounded, he let out a low, knowing chuckle. "I'm assuming you don't speak Welsh by the looks of your faces." They nodded, and he laughed again. "Aye, sorry about that. I'll try my best to remember." He cleared his throat. "Gwyneth!" He shouted, which earned him a shout back from a female voice in some other part of the building. "We have an English couple here!"

Jake tried to correct the error of the 'couple' part, but the man sped on, mumbling to himself as he rummaged through his desk. "I can never find my blooming glasses. Always losing the things. Do you already have a booking, young man?"

Jake nodded and showed him the booking confirmation on his phone.

The old man suddenly yelled in glee as he held up his glasses in triumph before placing them on his head. He squinted at the screen before looking down at his paperwork. "Ahh, yes! There you are, my lovelies. Let's show you to your room."

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