Roomates: Chapter 1

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"Mom, I'm gonna miss you too, but I'm gonna miss my flight! I promise I'll visit on breaks, okay?" I hugged my only immediate family member also known as my mother one last time before I shipped myself to Louisiana for college. I wish I also had a father and maybe even a sibling, but life isn't all rainbows for me.

"Im just so proud of you, for getting a scholarship, I mean. I love you sweetie!" she called as I waved and walked through the tunnel leading to the airplane.

As I pulled into the main parking lot, I double checked my passenger seat for all of my supplies. Tucked into my trunk I have my entire bedroom, leaving the bed at my storage unit back in Rhode Island, where I grew up.

Oh I was terrified. Nervously glancing around the club signup area, I decide, that, no, I'd rather not be in the cross fit club, where I'd embarrass my fat ass to the extreme. I'd always lacked self confidence.

"Sarah Pickens, new student advisor," an extremely (like, 6 foot) tall blonde with a toothy smile and one hell of a handshake practically yelled at me with the voice of a Grandma. Although, it was almost silent outside.

"Yeah, umm, I need a dorm key for Ashley Johnson?" She dug around in a bucket until she seemed to just pick a key up at random and hand it to me. Awesome.

"Your room will be on level 4, hun. Also, you might room with a member of the opposite sex, so just in case, here's a rape whistle." She handed me a blue whistle attached to a white lanyard. I awkwardly put it in my teeth and nodded at her before walking away, to find my hopefully nice dorm room. I hope I don't room with a dude, I'm already self conscious and I really don't need a guy being a douchebag to me about my figure to top it off.

Once I got to the dorm level Sarah told me, I headed to room 206. Unlocking the baby blue door with a white board clipped onto it saying "Room 206". Low and behold, I walked in and my worst nightmare comes true. I'm rooming with a guy.

Apparently he has set up his side of the room, made the twin sized bed with black sheets and a Louisiana State comforter, stashed some playboys in the corner, along with some weights. I sigh loudly, thankful that he is not in the room while I put all of my things on the bed, before heading back to my car to get the rest.

By the time I finish organizing, there's a small white desk with a turquoise chair and desk lamp in the corner, a mile high pile of my favorite magazines, white sheets on the bed with a plain turquoise comforter, and the mini fridge equipped in the room stocked with energy drinks and soda. I put my 19 inch tv on top of it, a DVD player and some movies stacked next to the fridge, along with a trash can. I couldn't complain about the room, it was actually kind of big, had wood floors and grayish walls, and a huge window looking over the campus. I decided to walk around and explore for a while.

At about 8:30,I found 7 vending machines and 4 cute guys, I decided to head back to my room. I realized the whiteboard on my door has some new writing. It read, "Isaac". So I added "and Ashley's dorm" with a smiley face in the corner.

I silently walked in and sit on my bed, and pulled out my seventeen magazine, when something scared the hell out of me. "Well aren't you gonna introduce yourself? Or am I just supposed to guess who I'll be living with?" He said. I jump up and straighten my clothes, checking him out subtly. He had gorgeous bronze hair and green eyes. He was shirtless and holding a 20 pound weight, making his extremely toned body flex. He had god like features. Oh my god, he was hot. And I saw a sliver of ink around his waist.

"Oh, um, sorry. I'm Ashley, and you must be Isaac?" I said nervously.

"Are you some sort of stalker?" He asked while picking up a 30 lb weight.

"No it said your name on the whiteboard outside, sorry." I blushed as he smirked at me.

"It was just a joke, it's alright." He laughed and sat on the bed, dropping his weight on top of it.

"Oh, right." I nervously chuckled, trying to sound about as cute as I can.

"Why are you so nervous? It's not like I'm gonna kill you," he said from across the room.

"I just am really nervous around guys, that's all, I guess." I grabbed a can of Monster, sitting on my bed again. It was actually really comfy.

"Well you should probably get over that. We will be roommates for the next four years, you know?" He laid down on his bed, sideways. So he could still face me.

"Yeah I guess." I nod. "I'll try."

"I see you have movies? You wanna watch one?" He seemed to be the bashful one now.

"Oh they're just sappy chick flicks. You would probably hate them," I'd go get other movies later. I took a long drink of my monster, finishing it off. "Well I'm going to go take a shower," I said while grabbing my toiletries and leaving.

The shower room thankfully had stalls, and a rack full of towels in the corner. I took a short shower and dried off, wrapping the two towels around my hair and my body. Grabbing my stuff, I walked back to my room, hoping Isaac wasn't there because I'd forgotten about clothes.

I walked into him sleeping peacefully on his bed, so I faced the opposite wall, pulling my black panties quickly, followed by my matching bra. I put on my LSU tee shirt and some yellow soffe shorts before flopping on the bed and pulling out my phone, dialing my moms number.

"Hey sweetie!" She answered excitedly. "How's the campus? What's your new roommate like?"

"The campus is pretty big, and I'm actually rooming with a guy, his names Isaac. He's not that mean, I guess." I hear his bedsheets ruffle and hope he isn't awake.

"Well he sounds handsome!" My mom replied. "Well I just wanted to make sure you were okay,"

"I am, love you!"

"Love you too, sweetie, buh-bye!" She hung up and I placed my phone on the floor, getting comfortable on my bed, when Isaac sat up suddenly, ruffling his hair.

"Oh my god, are you sleep walking?" I walked over to him, concerned.

"No. What time is it?" He said grumpily.

"11:45, why?" I asked nervously.

He stood, towering over me "Ugh. You do know that classes start at 10 tomorrow, right?" Isaac's tone scared me, it reminded me of my fathers.

"Why are you mad at me?" I questioned, backing away.

"I don't know, I'm sorry." He sat down mumbling. "It was a nightmare." He whispered. "They can't hurt you now." He assured himself.

"Isaac, do you want to talk about it?" I asked, remembering my awful nightmares.

"You wouldn't understand." He replied. The crack in his voice indicated he was on the verge of tears.

"I would though, more than you think. Look, I'm really nervous even talking to you, so this is a huge step up." I stood in front of him, I felt extremely awkward but I knew I was comforting him.

"Maybe I'll tell you later, when we haven't just met." He laid back down, falling asleep. I sighed and went to bed as well, setting an alarm for 8 am.

-Hey guys, this is one of my first books, so please don't be hateful. If ssomeone could make an awesome cover and pm it to me or fm it to me on Instagram (_megfan) I would love that😉-

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