Roomates: Chapter 4

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I'm gonna start adding songs for each chapter maybe because I always listen to music while I write. So the song for this chapter is Favorite Record by Fall Out Boy.

The next day was the same as the day before it, and my life went on for about 3 weeks with Isaac and I occasionally speaking to one another about bands or school. Sometimes Isaac would wake up from a dream, and I'd comfort him until he went back to sleep. I always caught him staring at me and I would get extremely awkward. All he would say as his explanation is that he's just observing. It's so annoying but at the same time I like it.

Tonight was different however.

I got into the dorm and Isaac wasn't there. Ignoring his absence, I sat on my bed and drank a monster while listening to music on my phone. I didn't bother putting earbuds in since I was alone. Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana came on as Isaac walked in with a Walmart sack in one hand and a McDonald's sack in the other.

"I bought a real movie." He joked, pulling 21 Jump Street out from the sack. He tossed it into the mini fridge, smiling at me. He pulled French fries out from the other bag and handed them to me. "For you," and got himself out some.

"Why'd you buy me food?" I asked, eating a fry.

"Because. It's common sense to buy pretty girls the best French fries ever on no occasion!" He smirked at my beer red face.

"Stop playing. There's lots prettier girls on campus here." I say.

"Yeah, well, I only really have eyes for you." Isaac raised his eyebrows momentarily before saying the next thing. "I'm basically saying that I like you."

"Oh, okay?" I had no clue how I was supposed to react.

"Do you want to go to lunch tomorrow?" He asked, still eating fries nonchalantly. Isaac was the first guy to ask me on a date in my life.

"Um. Yeah sure, I guess." I replied, getting up and putting the movie he bought in the DVD player.

The next day, Isaac picked me up from class to take me out for lunch. I have no clue why he's been so nice to me. I'm not very 'pretty'.

"Why are you nice to me?" I asked as we sat down at Chipotle with our food. "I mean, look at me."

"Well I think your a good person, and good people deserve good friends." He laughed.

"Cocky much?" We both laughed and finished our lunch, but all I could think of was how he said I was a good person. What did he mean?

Soooo... This chapter is so boring and short, but my computer has a virus so I wrote this on my phone lmao. Sorry!! I'll try to update soon but I've been so busy doing homework and other shat. Kbye

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