Roomates: Chapter 8

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I was having a great time with Isaac until I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I picked up the phone and saw the caller ID.
It was my dad.
My shaking hand clicked the little green button to answer the phone. I saw Isaac had pulled over and was staring at me and my blank, terrified expression.
"Hi, Jessica. It's your dad. I don't think we've spoken in a while."
"Yeah it's been 5 years since I last say you, and I'd like to keep it that way please." I tried to be a confident as possible and make my dead beat father leave me alone.
"Well, Ashley. You see, I'm out of jail now, and I'm coming to pick you up in a week." He hung up.
Isaac looked at me as my happy expression dropped.
"Who was it?" He asked softly, aware that I was shaken up by the call.
"Oh, just someone I used to know. No biggie, really." I fake smiled and acted like I was fine. Isaac saw right through me, however and pulled into a hobby lobby parking lot, stopping the car and looking into my eyes.
"I know you better than that by now, Ash. Will you please tell me what's wrong?"
"It's my father. Mike. He is picking me up in a week." I felt my eyes stinging as I tried to hold back tears.
"Why is that bad? You'll get to see your dad."
"You don't get it." I raised my voice unintentionally at him. "He has been in jail for 5 years. And now he's gonna get me and I won't ever see you again. Not if he does what I think he will." Tears silently fell down my cheeks.
"Why was he in jail, Ashley?" Isaac held my hands in his in an attempt to calm me down.
"He tried to kill my mom and me when I was 13. I called the police in time but if they had gotten to my house a second later than they had I'd be dead right now." I was sobbing at this point. Isaac climbed into the back seat and gestured me to climb back there with him. I did so and he held me tightly, as if someone was pulling me away from him.
"I don't know what I'm gonna do, Isaac." I sobbed. He wiped the tears off my cheeks and kissed the top of my head.
"I'll protect you, Ash. Nothing's gonna happen to you as long as I can help it."
I didn't want Isaac to get hurt. I knew my father would destroy everything in his way to get to me.
"No, Isaac. You're not going to do anything about this. I have to go with him."
"What? Are you insane? Ashley, I'm not going to let you get hurt."
"Isaac, I can't let you get hurt either. And my father will hurt you if you work against him."

OMG I UPDATED! I know it's been FOR FREAKIN EVER but here it is! Don't forget to vote and comment! Love you all!

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