Episode 1: An unknown threat

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Fourteen months after the treaty of Coruscant.

THE OUTER RIM: orbiting Dathomir.

On the bridge of the colossal imperial dreadnought Hellfire, Briza together with her master, the tall pureblood sith Darth Veness, were overseeing the creation of a new space station. It was being built primarily for controlling the shipping lane to and from Dathomir, but as of now the habitable area functioned as a trading center, while the rest of the station was nearing its completion.

In the last year, the accursed treaty of Coruscant had jeopardized Veness personal plans. She wanted a palace and a new seat of power on the planet of Alderaan. She liked the chilly and comfortable atmosphere and wanted a piece of land for herself, but she was forced to flee by the republic and later when the empire backed house Thul, she was left out of it by the dark council, much to her irritation.

This meant very little to Briza, peace or war matters not, she was still sent out on missions on her master's behalf. Instead of killing Jedi, she was sent to deal with renegade Sith and troublesome bounty hunters. In a sense, Briza was still just making sure her lord and master kept her elevation over other darth's influence, and keeping new Sith lords below.

Darth Veness sat in the command chair looking at reports coming in from the nearly completed space station. "Good. Only a week until the station is complete," she muttered somewhat pleased, after having inspected the reports, "Apprentice, you will see to the finer details."

"Yes Master, as you wish," Briza acknowledged, accepting her assignment. Finer details was their word for making sure no one was slacking off.

"I will be in my chambers," Veness informed, rose up and left the bridge.

But before the dark lady was out of the door, one of the comm officers shouted urgently, "My lords! A fire has broken out on the station!"

"Contain it at once!" Briza firmly commanded, as her master hastily walked over to see what was going on.

"All personnel have been alerted, it should be-," informed a staff member on the station, before the transmission was abruptly cut off.

"Reestablish that connection, NOW!!" Veness ordered her subordinate in a dire tone.

Then came an explosion from the station, powerful enough to visibly shake the entire station. Fire could be seen spilling out into the vacuum of space from the upper parts of the installation.

"What's happening!?" Darth Veness immediately demanded to know.

"WE ARE UNDER ATTACK!" A worker screamed before he was brutally gunned down. As the now dead technician lay motionless on the ground, a quick glimpse of the killer's uniform was visible on the monitor, identifying the enemy as troopers all in white.

"REBELS... APPRENTICE! TAKE BACK MY STATION!!!" Veness demanded enraged, her eyes glowing with hatred.

Briza didn't reply, as she was already blazing out from the bridge. Sprinting into a turbolift, she hammered the button to the hangar. Few seconds later she arrived to see their force in full alert. Engineers and soldiers rushed from one side of the hangar to the other to get the troop transporter ready, mobilizing to storm the now rebel infested station. Starfighters had already been deployed to disable what defense the station could use against their imminent assault.

One of the lieutenants ran over to report, "Lord Briza! We are ready to launch the assault in one minute."

"Very well," Briza quickly replied, "Bring me to the command shuttle at once."

"Right this way my lord," running, the lieutenant quickly led her to one of the troop transporters, which was hastily being loaded. They ran onboard and strapped themselves in.

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