Episode 12: Within Darkness

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OUTER RIM: Somewhere flying through hyperspace.

When Briza awoke from her sleep on board the Silent Fang, she realized that they only had a few hours to get ready, before they would reach the rendezvous point. She noticed that her sister was still asleep, she thought about waking her up, remembered she was supposed to remain hidden anyway, so she could sleep as long as she wanted.

She dressed herself in one of her usual black light armor, as her more social clothings wouldn't be preferable when entering the upcoming war meeting.

She later found Terrow already up and working. Terrow smiled when he noticed Briza entering the bridge. "Since we are now in a safe and secure range, I took the liberty to send our findings to Imperial Intelligence. They are analyzing our findings as we speak."

Briza smiled in return, "Good work, inform me as soon as they have uncovered something of value."

"As you wish my lord," Terrow replied politely while making a small bow.

"Morning," Mathorn yawned, as he too entered the bridge. Both he and Terrow were clad in the typical gray imperial uniform, with only their ranking emblems to differentiate them.

"Good Morning," said both Terrow and Briza, with the latter adding, "Make sure you are ready for our war meeting, once we arrive."

"Breakfast first, then I will be ready," Mathorn grinned and left for the kitchen.

Briza just sighed, and muttered mostly to herself, "Some day, I'll get myself a proper apprentice."


When the Silent Fang exited hyperspace, they found an army awaiting their arrival. Looking out of the front viewport, they could easily see a dozen frigates and support ships. Spearheading the fleet was one of the empire's mighty dreadnoughts.

It didn't take many seconds before they received an incoming call. "We see you Silent Fang. This is the dreadnought Malice, you are ordered to dock at hangar bay five."

"We will begin the landing procedure now," Terrow replied, as he looked to their twi'lek pilot, who immediately began to land the ship, as was instructed.

Lines of imperial troops were standing at attention, as Briza with her brothers by her side, exited their ship. To their surprise, Deedrah herself was awaiting them at the hangar bay. She smiled at them, as they descended down the ramp, "Lord Briza. Welcome on board the Malice."

"Thank you Darth Deedrah, we are most honored," Briza spoke politely, as she and her brothers bowed slightly.

"Please follow me to the war room," Deedrah said invitingly, as she gestured for Briza to walk beside her.

Despite the many times Mathorn had been in the presence of Imperial personnel, being escorted by an imperial honor guard, felt strange and a little foreboding.

"I am very delighted to see you have succeeded in your mission," Deedrah smiled, as she led them through corridors of the dreadnought. "How was the surface on the planet?"

Briza smiled in turn, as she replied, "Though we sensed the immense dark force present at all times, the planet was surprisingly calm and relaxing to explore, even beautiful at times."

"Would you say it is a worthy price for the empire's conquest?" Deedrah asked with an ambitious smile on her lips.

Briza nodded with a similar smile of ambition, "I very much believe so. It looks to be full of gas and rich in crystal materials."

Deedrah in a sigh of satisfaction, she uttered, "I'll look forward to seeing this Crystal planet for myself."


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