Episode 14: Phases of death

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Seeing her family being tortured like this and with the memories of what happened to her master still haunting her, she just couldn't handle the thought. Tears began to form in her eyes, as fear and hopelessness set in to take over her mind, "No, no, no. This can't be, I won't allow IT!" In what she could only describe as desperation, Tikala lashed out with the most powerful force push she had ever unleashed, slamming the VERY surprised Prison so hard, it sent him crashing through the crystal wall behind with the sound of several cracking crystals in quick sessions.

Briza was the first to get up after the nightmarish madness Psiron had tormented them with. Despite her mind needing a minute to recover, seeing her sister's mind and soul so clearly visible in the force, took all of her immediate attention. Feeling Tikala's convictions breaking, as the fear of loss of what she cares for, gains momentum, "So this is my real sister." To her, there was something almost beautiful about her willingness to abandon her jedi calmness to finally unravel her feelings of what truly matters, "We are not so different after all, you and I."

As Mathorn too recovered, he noticed that the remaining sith blades were just lying motionless on the ground, instinctively he began to slash it with his own broken sith blade.

Knowing his friends needed him, Urr'tah walked over to them, and one after another attempted to heal their body and mind.

Mathorn managed to destroy the cursed sith blades, but the blade he used too was damaged beyond repair. Briza took pity on him and handed him her blue lightsaber, "Take this, Psiron isn't yet dead."

Despite being burnt out, he still cracked a smile, "Thanks sis, let murder this son of a mynock."

"Come everyone, we have a monster to kill," Tikala said with a fierce determination... and with a strange hint of coldness in her voice.

Briza wasn't sure if she should be jubilant or fearful of her sister's obvious change in her persona.

Even Urr'tah seemed a bit taken aback and mumbled in a somber voice, "The light breaths darkness."

Nevertheless the four of them jumped through the massive gap that Tikala had made, entering into a short walkway and followed a patchway until they reached a door. "Much chaos ahead," Urr'tah muttered right before Tikala opened the door, revealing an ancient archive with thousands of books and numerous artifacts. Both Briza, Tikala and even Urr'tah marveled at the collection, if this wasn't a life and death scenario, a guided tour would be splendid.

They found the ghastly presents of Psiron, wandering slowly among the tall bookshelves. He slowly turned to face them, like it was a corpse being mechanically assisted to move. "Welcome to my library, please refrain from damaging anything," he politely greeted them in his manically dry voice.

Everyone ignites their lightsaber, ready to move as one unit. In defiances, Mathorn kick one of the bookshelves so it tilted over and slammed to the ground with it's content scattered all over the floor.

Psiron sighed deeply, with the sound of dust exiting his mouth, "Always a lack of manners with you people." Without any hint or warning, he fires a massive bolt of lightning right into the chest of this very rude zabrak.

Mathorn cried out in agony and collapsed on the floor. "MATHORN!" Tikala shouted in horror, tears once again appearing in her eyes, "why couldn't I see the attack coming!?" She and Urr'tah quickly move in between and catched a second strike of lightning with their lightsabers, which would otherwise likely have killed Mathorn.

In pure hatred, Briza retaliated with lightning of her own... but the lighting just passed through Psiron, who's body now seemed incorporeal and it slowly dissolved into thin air. "FIGHT ME COWARD!" Furiously she scanned the area for any trace of Psiron's being, but the force showed only a veil of dark clouds, seemingly obscuring everything around.

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