Episode 5: A Mind from the Unknown

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DROMUND KAAS: The Office of Law and Order

"Tell me. Who was this procurer of Jedi, and how did you escape?" Imperious politely asked the three bounty hunters.

The three bounty hunters had already been interrogated once before and sentenced to prison, but Imperious wanted to hear their testimonies personally, before they were sent to the nearest penal labor camp, to spend the remainder of their lives in shock collars, performing slave labor in the pestilent jungles of Dromund Kaas.

It was Okan who spoke for them all, "A tall, dark, cloaked figure, no more was visible in the dimly lit room. I presumed he was a Darth, or some other kind of a Sith Lord." He took a deep breath before continuing, "Both Zugi and I have chips implanted in our heads, which emit shock waves if we are attempted mind-controlled or otherwise. That's what saved us, even though they malfunctioned in the process, brought on by overheating. An overwhelming migraine is a small price to pay, compared to what befell the others."

Imperious listened carefully, "Yes... I was told that some of your comrades were lost to this being's mind-control abilities, before you even arrived to deliver this Jedi Master of yours?"

Now it was Zugi's turn to speak, "Yes, not everyone cared to protect themselves. They paid the price and became slaves to that psycho."

"I can arrange for your damaged chips to be replaced and make your criminal records... go away. That is, if you in turn, would work exclusively for me," Imperious politely presented them the unrefusable offer.

"We gladly accept," Okan was quick to accept on everyone's behalf. The thought of becoming slave labor in one of the numerous imperial labor camps, where all rights were stript from you, along with your dignity, and torture was commonplace, was terrifying.

He quickly gazed at his comrade and found her nodding, accepting the offer completely. On Okan's other side, Zac nodded frantically, despite having been ignored since he entered the room, no one caring to look his way.

"Very good, you are dismissed," Imperious smiled thinly, pleased with their compliance, and gesturing for them to leave.

Only Okan showed the curtsy to bow before exiting, with the rest in tow.

As the doors slidt shut, Imperious returned his attention to the holographic projected data in front of him, and without much thought, pushed a button and spoke absentmindedly into the microphone, "Lord Deedrah, have the twi'lek transferred to a penal camp, and once you're done, I would see you in my office." And released the button.

A little later, Deedrah entered the office, "You wanted to see me, my Lord?"

"Yes. I assume you have already integrated our new bounty hunter assets into our portfolio," Imperious repiled.

"Yes I have. I've also read the syndicate's file on this 'Jedi procurer' out of known space - so far I've yet to find any trace of this being's origin," Deedrah informed in a very formal and polite tone.

"I don't believe this being can be located in our archives, nor through imperial intelligence... A more direct approach is needed here," Imperious concluded in a thoughtful, but determined tone.

"Do we send Lord Briza and her team? They are ready to depart at a moment's notice," Deedrah asked, slightly puzzled, as they were the only ones that weren't occupied at the moment.

"No," Imperious spoke in a deep voice, "Enough of my subordinates have been killed, and these particular operatives are questionable as of now. I will handle this matter personally."

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