Episode 0: Prologues

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Eight years before the treaty of Coruscant.


In the dead of night, on the desolate savage world of Korriban, a young sith acolyte was suddenly yanked from her sleep by an intensive jolt of pain. She instantly sat up in her bed, dripping with sweat as she tried to make sense of the pain she felt, struggling to control her breath while clearly feeling the adrenaline racing through her body. As she managed to calm herself and wipe the sweat from her horn protruding forehead, the zabrak's bright green eyes were discernible in the nearly black room, making a contrast to the tattooed red skinned face and maroon hair. The young zabrak was tall for her seventeen years, muscular and hardened by countless hours of intensive training, which she had spent with the goal of becoming a powerful sith lord.

"Was it just a dream? A nightmare! No... not a nightmare." As Briza thought this to herself, she suddenly felt a second jolt of pain. But it wasn't her pain... it was her brother's, "TERROW!!!" she shouted inside herself. She blazed out of her room, and sprinted down the dimly lit corridor, running as fast as she could while trying to make as little noise as possible, a balancing feat few acolytes on the planet could compete with.


On a torture bench meant for prisoners, located on the first floor of the academy, an orange skinned twelve year old zabrak found himself strap tightly down. A blond thin looking human leaned over and whispered maliciously into the bound zabrak's ear, "swear you will be my slave, or do you really wish for further suffering?!"

"I will never be your slave!!" Terrow retorted angrily, despite knowing full well, that he was completely at the mercy of this sadistic mad acolyte.

"You are not making it easy for yourself," the blond human uttered with a fake sad expression. A sinister smile slid over his face, as he shocked the strapped zabrak with bursts of force lightning.

Terrow's screams from the unbearable pain reverberated between the sterile walls, he spasmed violently, as he was shocked over and over. The flashes of lightning lit the otherwise dark and gloomy torture chamber and revealed the congealed stains of blood sowed across the floor.

The human relented for a moment, and uttered a cruel remark with glee in his voice, "I will continue to torture you until you accept my claim over you."

At this point, Terrow knew he would most likely die. But of all the acolytes in the academy, this human freak was the last living being he would give-in to. "Never... to you," he stated and resigned himself to his fate.

The blond human was becoming livid. Frustrated over his failure to force the zabrak to submit to his will, he spat out in rage, "VERY WELL! Then you will die." As he was about to end the life before him, an invisible hand suddenly grabbed him around his throat and forced him up in the air. Fear overwhelmed him as he desperately tried to get free of the mental iron grip.

"No one hurts my BROTHER!!!" Briza snarled with venom dripping from her voice, as she tightened her grip.

The blond human was smashed into a metal cage and slammed down onto the tool table he had recently used himself. With some of the torture equipment now burrowed in his flesh and rest scattered around him, he would have screamed if it was not for the complete lack of air in his lungs. Now lying helplessly in a pool of acid spreading on the ground, he resembled a doll without any strings to hold him op.

Briza wanted so dearly to kill this wretched human and paint him all over the walls of the academy to show what happens to morons who threaten her family, but this one was chosen by a high lord for reasons unknown to her. "If you ever come near my brother again! I will kill you!" she exclaimed, her voice raspy with hate.

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