Episode 13: Uncanny war

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It didn't take the siblings long to reach Deedrah's forces. But problems arose when their previous army, now mind controlled, had instigated a battle against their former Commander in chief's rear forces.

At the moment, all four siblings were using the cloaking ability, only Terrow had also been using his camo-suite to increase his survivability.

As they were pondering their next move, they all sensed an immediate danger! "ARTILLERY FIRE!!!" Briza shouted, as they all scrambled to get out of the blast radius. Dirt and crystal fragments flew past them, as the arcing plasma explosion leveled their former hiding place.

Now out in the open, visible to all their former and now possessed troops, blaster rifles were leveled at them from all directions. The three blade wielders just barely managed to ignite their lightsabers, before they would have been annihilated by blaster fire.

Making sure they weren't flanked by the remaining enemies, Briza positioned herself back to back with Tikala and Mathorn, forming a small circle, with Terrow in the middle, who quickly broadcasted a distress signal and then began returning fire.

While none of the force users were experts in the defensive style of Soresu, they nevertheless used it, as it seemed their only means of survival, in the endless barrage of colorful lasers.

Once again running low on his last blast canister and with no response to his plea for help, Terrow found himself uttering these words, "If this is the end... I want you all to know... this last month was the happiest time of my life and... and I love you all. I regret nothing."

"I love you too man," Mathorn sobbed, somehow finding the energy needed to keep up the defense.

"SHUT UP! We won't die, I won't allow it!" Briza cried out in response, the thought was... unbearable.

Tikala, who couldn't take more sorrow that day, managed to force-link her siblings, hoping they could find a way out of this life ending nightmare. But through the force-link, she felt a CACOPHONY of strong emotions, it nearly overwhelmed her senses, and concentration seemed almost impossible ...only the feeling of survival seemed to persist.

Through the Force-link, they felt the enormous amount of dark energy that had corrupted their own people, they sensed Deedrah too was in a bad situation. But also noticed something strange, yet familiar coming from high above, rapidly getting closer. Terrow being the only who could afford to look up for a split second, witnesses a none imperial transporter with the direction... straight at them.

The roar of overheated engines and screeching sound of durasteel colliding with the tops of some unfortunate native transparisteel looking trees, followed by a metallic crack of a slightly angled impact on the ground, while still keeping enough momentum to slide on the reflective surface. A number of possessed imperial troops, who were firing from cover behind a small enclave of trees, found themselves and the trees, grinned down and ran over by the barely holding together transporter.

Mathorn, who had already been wounded by multipliable blaster burns, could now make a short relief, when the strange transporter from nowhere, smashed or scattered all the enemies who were firing at him. He used the time to change his fighting style to Shien and help his sisters, by redirecting laser bolts back at the firing troops.

Briza, who had been too occupied with keeping them alive, just barely noticed the transporter to her left, which had finally come to a complete halt.

With Mathorn's help, Tikala could spare enough of her focus to detect the ship's personnel as friendly. "Get to the ship! It's friendly, we can use it as cover."

As they neared the transporter, a brown hood figure exited the ship, who simply waved a hand in the direction of some of the enemies. One by one, the possessed troops just collapsed on the ground, completely motionless.

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