7. The Desert Girl

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It turns out that the back of the other side of the H-Shape led to a beautiful courtyard with paneled flooring and many mannequins for the Firebound to practice their powers on. A few students were out training in the mid-day sun, but he had a feeling most of them were practicing their skills indoors because there were only about 20 or so in a courtyard that could fit ten times that amount.

"Lija!" Master Stevson called.

One of the training students stopped, and when her name was called again she turned to face the Master and approached him. She had the tanned skin and black nose patch of a Shenzik, and she even wore their traditional eyeblack. Shenzik were a rare sight, it took him a minute to recall a time when he had seen one before. Only once, when a young man had been traveling through their village on his way to the Water Spire.

He had always had the impression that they were tall, lanky, but Lija was short and well built. Her dusted red hair complimented her purple eyes well. She wore a white gi and had a red sash tied across her waist holding sheaths for two swords. She was sweating from her workout and the heat of the fire. She put a fist into her hand and then bowed. When she did this, he could see that she had marks on her hands. Raised welted flesh that he had only seen on the skin of branded Woolbeasts. They were in the shape of some kind of mark. He was curious what it was but he decided not to ask it.

"Yes, master?" She asked.

"Lija, this is Kile. He's on a Quest given to him by his village Elder to learn how to control his Bound powers. He's heading to Vakshingdon, and possibly beyond," the Master explained.

Lija remained silent, though he could tell from the look on her face she was unsure what this had to do with her.

"I think it would be a good experience for you if you went with him."

She couldn't have been much older than him. Perhaps having a friend for the road would be good.

"Kile, this is Lija. She's kind, loyal, and the fiercest fighter I've trained. She's my finest student. I think she'll serve well as a guide and a guardian on your trip."

Lija every so slightly beamed with pride as the Master expounded on her virtues.

"If, uh, if we don't find the answer at Vakishindon, we may be going to other places. I'm thinking the Imperial City. Is that okay?" Kile asked her.

Lija gave a nod. "I am fine with this."

Lija stepped forward and looked him over, "do you know how to start a fire?" She asked.

"With a match?" He responded, confused.

She seemed disappointed by his response.

"How often do you travel?"

"This is my third time leaving my village."

Again, disappointment. "How much food did you bring?"

"Enough to last a week."

What he thought was disappointment became a physical expression on her face, "Did you bring money?"

He looked down, "we don't really have money..."

Lija gave a stern frown.

"Can you hunt?"

"I've never done it before and I don't like the idea of hurting animals."

"Do you at least know what fruits and mushrooms are edible?"

"That I do know."

"Do you know how to navigate?"

"I can tell east and west." He said.

"I am glad you are sending me with him, Master. Without my help, he's going to die."

Kile took a step back, "I'm sorry, what?"

Master Stevson was still smiling, but Lija looked taken aback, as if she wasn't expecting her harsh words to have the effect they did. She immediately turned around and went back to her training dummy.

"What was that about?" Kile asked.

"You'll have to forgive her," Master Stevson said. "To her, what she just did was a kindness. In the Valley of Sand it's important to know your limitations, and telling someone they're in over their head can save their life. One mistake out there, and you will die. Out here on the Plateau though, it's a different story. You still have to be careful, but your every step isn't a risk."

He saw her hands generate a sphere of flame that she through at the mannequin.

He took in a sort of relieved breath as he continued, "she's a good girl, but she's been through some harsh things. That's actually why I wanted her to go with you."

He looked over the young girl, who was now bright red with embarrassment.

"She doesn't have many friends, and she has a lot to learn about this world. She's really thrown herself into her work here at the Academy, and while she's mastered technique, that's not all there is to being Firebound. I think this experience will help her to see that."

"I see..." Kile said. He had heard that Shenzik people could be...difficult, for lack of a better word, but she didn't seem malicious. The explanation from the Master further enforced that belief.

"The point is, take care of her, and she'll take care of you."

He returned his bemused expression to his cheery one and laughed, "Now then! She'll be over the embarrassment in a few minutes. In the meantime, let's get you ready to leave!"

Kile of ZumadaWhere stories live. Discover now