11. Bound to the Wilds

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It took them two and a half more days to get to Vakshindon, and thankfully there were no other missteps along the way. They decided to avoid any of the settlements they could, in the fear it would hold them up and spread word of where they were to any pursuers. By the time they made it, they were sure they were far enough away. Lija had switched out of her gi and got dressed in something more casual, a red under shirt with a black vest of cotton.

The town itself was a strange place. While the huts and people were Djezzi, it had Imperial Walls and the town hall had been replaced with a white stone building - Imperial architecture. The streets were also paved over with Imperial stone, but the pathways made by Djezzi feet from generations ago still lived underneath, and occasionally thrived where pavement dared not go.Two generations ago, it had been Djezzi, but the people had voted to join the Empire of Order. Kile was aware this was controversial, to say the least. The Empire brought protection, but also cost freedom. He heard stories of Imperial Troops bravely protecting the towns and chasing the Poredo off for them to never return, and then he had also heard stories of the Imperials taking people away from their homes to join the army or become Bound in service to the Empire.

Kile was unsure of how he felt about it. On the one hand, having the Empire there would have saved his father's life. But it would also mean he might not get to farm like he loved so much. He was glad Zumada hadn't faced the option yet, but they were close enough that by the time he had children of his own he might be making that choice.

He'd wait for that time to come. For now, he had much more important matters to attend to. They had to find the Wildbound. He hadn't spoken to the Wildvoice since the incident, but he decided now was as good a time as any to make amends.

'Can you help us out? Where's the Wildbound here?'

I thought you didn't want my power, it teased.

'You said that you use me, I use you. I won't force you, but I will ask you to hold up your end of the deal.'

Fair enough, it said. You're looking for a name named Nawede. His home is at the southern edge of the town, it's a bright red hut.

The two spent an hour asking around town, trying to find Nawede. It didn't take them long to make quite the impression, and they were eventually convinced he was trying to avoid them. Various villagers would say he went this way or that.and when they got there he was already gone. Eventually, they just decided to go to his house and wait for him there.

It paid off about an hour later when they saw him approaching his house. Kile called out to him, and he sighed, approaching them. As his name implied, he had blue eyes, but he also had black hair. His bead string was surprisingly short for someone his age, and he wore it as a bracelet. Kile had noticed that this was how most Djezzi wore it, that it was a peculiarity of Zumadans that they wore it in their hair.

"Who are you guys?" He asked.

"I'm Kile of Zumada." He introduced.

He looked at Lija, hoping she wound introduce herself. After a moment of silence she said, "Lija Hi-" she stopped herself from finishing the sentence. "Lija of the Shenzik."

"I see. Wenade of Vakshingdon. What are you here for?"

"We heard that...you were also Wildbound." Kile said.

The man frowned, cautiously glanced to the side. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Kile sighed, and pulled down the lip of his shirt just enough to show the barest edge of the mark over his heart. The man took a step back, silent as he contemplated what he saw, before walking to his house.

Kile of ZumadaWhere stories live. Discover now