This Food Sucks

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The group of 10 had relocated to a local diner not too far, arriving in two separate cars. Skyy didn't bother connecting her bluetooth as she thought now probably wasn't the time for music.

They entered the restaurant, filing in one at a time, Skyy and Jisung leading the group in light conversation.

When they were faced with the hostess, the employees eyes lit up.

"Sungie!" the girl said excitedly.

"Hi Jiji, come sit with us when your shift is over, you should hear this." Jisung spoke sweetly before turning to the girls. "Sorry, this is my sister, Jihyo." he stated.

The girl responded with a wave and a wide smile.

Skyy stood in complete awe. Jihyo was the most striking person she had ever seen. Her short, hair light brown hair complemented her eyes all too well. Although the outfit she wore was a uniform, she had decorated herself with loud accessories; her style screamed expression via fashion. The beauty mark on the edge of her nose stood out adorably.

"Skyy?" Eman poked her in an attempt to gain her attention. The rest of the group had already moved to their seats as Skyy and Jihyo stood, silently assessing one another.

"Sorry, let's go sit."  she whispered out slightly embarrassed.

"Oh you queer, we'll talk later." laughed Eman as they walked towards the others.

Everyone sat in the large booth, agreeing that they may as well get some food since they were in a diner. Skyy skimmed over the menu, trying to decide what would be easiest to order. She turned to Fahima who was sat beside her.

"Do you just wanna share two appetizers?"

"You know me too well." Fahima responded.

After tasting the food that arrived at a suspiciously fast pace, Skyy threw a fry down. 'This food sucks' she thought to herself, sliding the plate closer to her friend.

The sound of conversation buzzed in the air as everyone got to know each other better throughout the meal.

"Jisung your sister is a little too good looking." Ayan let out in an attempt to converse with the boy, successful as they began a conversation of their own.

"Lucky for you she's gay." Doyoung spoke up in between bites to no one in particular.

Skyy perked up slightly.

"Oh shut up, you want me so bad. You just wish I was routing for the opposite team." Jihyo slid into the booth, directly across from Skyy.

The two were clearly best friends, Jaemin had explained earlier the sets of siblings basically grew up together.

The meal continued as the main topic of conversation was danced around until it could no longer be avoid.

"So what's this secret little meeting about?" inquired Jihyo, patting her younger brothers head in concern.

Johnny gave a brief explanation of the event that had taken place earlier at the school, filling Jihyo in.

"Wow, I'm so sorry Fahima. That must've been awful." a sympathetic Jihyo voiced.

Skyy grabbed Fahima's hand in support, her concern subsiding when she received a smile back.

"So.." Jisung began. "A week or two ago I got this dm anonymously." Jisung turned his phone so the rest of the group could see the message.

Skyy began to read out loud, "When your world comes crumbling down don't bother begging for mercy, you all did this to yourself. 11 days remain till it all begins." she finished ominously.

No one spoke.

"I thought maybe it was just a troll or something, that's why I didn't say anything. Now I feel weird about it especially after what happened today, the timing can't be a coincidence." explained Jisung with a frown.

"I didn't get a message like that. Did any of you?" the question from Jaemin left everyone scrambling to check their phones.

The responses varied between two answers.

"No." answered Ayan, Eman, Kun, Jihyo and Johnny at once.


"Man what in the hell."

"How are you in my dm's talking crazy?"

"Are you serious right now?" Skyy groaned as she peered at the identical message on her phone screen.

Her, Fahima, Anushka and Doyoung had all received the same looming text.

"And none of you saw this till now?" Eman wondered out loud.

"I barely understand how instagram works, I didn't know strangers could message me." an annoyed Anushka responded. This earned a chuckle from Johnny.

As the night drew on, the young individuals agreed to call it. They had planned to meet tomorrow after class as their schedules all aligned fairly well.

After exchanging numbers and saying their goodbyes everyone began to head their separate ways, leaving in different cars than they arrived in after learning who lived closest to one another.

Skyy watched from her spot in the parking lot, smiling at her friends immaturity

Eman and Fahima raced to Doyoung's car, determining who would get the front seat. Fahima's antics did not go unnoticed by Skyy, she successfully trapped Eman and Jaemin in the backseat together as planned by her and Doyoung. 

The four had come to realize they lived in the same building, going home together was the easiest solution.

Jihyo bid another goodbye to Skyy in specific before entering the car she had driven to work in. Johnny and Jisung piled in after her.

Her voice alone made Skyy's heart race. She watched the three drive off, smiling internally.

The remaining three, Anushka, Ayan and Kun, walked ahead of Skyy towards her vehicle, discussing each persons reason as to why they'd survive in a post apocalyptic world.

After dropping off Ayan then Kun, the drive back from Ansuhka's home left Skyy alone, reflecting on the outrageous day they had all just faced. She tried to convince herself the worst was behind them, ignoring the voice in her head saying otherwise.

This however, was only the beginning,



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