The Carnival - Part 2

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Fahima was glad she had left her hoodie in the car.

The sun was low but still emitted heat onto the crowds of people spread throughout the carnival. She had been having a great time on the rides and was thankful to be spending time with friends after their previous weeks of constant torment from MonV.

Fahima and her friends had just hopped off the swing ride, the wind had disheveled their hair but nobody seemed to care as they were having too good of a time.

"Where should we go next?" Anushka asked loud enough for everyone to hear.

"I'm gonna run to the washroom if anyone wants to come. I'll meet you guys in line for whatever ride you're at." Announced Eman from beside Skyy.

As she began to walk off Fahima heard a whispered conversation beside her.

"Go with her so you guys can talk." Ushered Doyoung at a low volume in an attempt to keep their conversation private.

"Is right now really the best time? It's so crowded I feel like it'll ruin my whole plan to talk to her alone." Jaemin mumbled slightly defeated.

"You can't keep putting it off, go. I'll let you know where we are so you guys can meet back up with us." Doyoung encouraged his brother.

With that, Fahima watched as Jaemin separated from the group to catch up with Eman. When he appeared beside her their strides fell into place as they began to walk towards the washroom, shy smiles on both faces.

"What was that about?" Inquired Fahima, landing beside Doyoung at the back of the group.

"He's finally gonna try to open up to Eman, I told him today would be a good day for it. Let's hope he actually goes through with it and doesn't just stare at her." Explained Doyoung hopefully.

Fahima lit up at the idea, "Image them communicating without us being around, the universe must be shifting." she laughed.

The group continued to move through the fair grounds, broken up into cohorts to converse easier. They finally landed in front of the fireball, a ride Fahima had been waiting all day to go on.

She stared at her friends ahead of her as they moved to get into line, enjoying the brief moment of stillness as she trailed behind them.

A presence entered the space beside her. Fahima could tell it was Kun before she looked over, she had gotten familiar with his energy as the two had be spending more time together.

"I remembered you saying you were excited for this ride, I thought we'd come over here before the line got too long." Kun smiled at her.

"Thank you, I'm surprised you remembered I told you that like last week when we decided to go!" Fahima let out softly.

Fahima actually wanted to say something along the lines of 'you were thinking if me?' to tease Kun, he blushed easily and she thought it was the cutest thing. She decided against it since she had the rest of the day to do so.

Kun was always shy when it came to her yet somehow confident; Fahima enjoyed their solo interactions because he was always unpredictable but sweet.

"I just have a good memory." He shrugged.

The two found their spot in line behind the rest of their friends, the crowd of people packed in line stirred up more heat than when they were walking.

"I regret wearing this." Kun chucked referring to his knitted black long sleeve.

Fahima let out a light airy laugh, "If you have something under just take it off, you can put it in someone's bag."

Kun began to discard the top at this comment, as he removed it his under shirt shifted up revealing his midriff.

Fahima began to look away but couldn't help to stare at his physique. Once his undershirt had been pulled back down, her eyes shifted to his arms.

Oh those are real nice.. He's needs to not do that in public, what if other people are staring at him.

"Why are you looking around like that?'" Kun asked as he surveyed the crowd trying to see what Fahima was focused on.

She glanced at him nonchalantly, "I'm trying to make sure no one was staring at you too hard while you took that off."

"I wouldn't be looking at them anyways." He smiled at her.

Fahima was the one blushing now. This was the type of forwardness and confidence that made Kun unpredictable at moments. She was smart enough to know he meant he was only looking at her.

They continued talking one on one as the line moved up.

"Have you been on the fireball?" Fahima asked him curiously.

"No, it looks a little questionable though." Kun replied honestly.

The group flashed their wristbands to the operator and began to find seats, "Here sit beside me you can hold my hand if you get scared." Fahima laughed.

Fahima and Kun took their seats on the front most part of the ride so the two of them were facing the tracks instead of other people.

Cheers, laughs, and screams were heard from the passengers as the ride got into full swing. Fahima laughed at the sound of Johnny's loud voice from behind her as the ride halted in the upside down position for a second before continuing. She could tell the annoyed 'shut up' that followed was from Skyy.

Kun glanced over at Fahima smiling wildly from his seat, he was clearly enjoying the ride.

Creaks and moans were heard as the fireball came to a slow stop. The safety bars and constraints were lifted as everyone moved off the ride. Fahima was surprised when she felt a hand slip into hers at the bottom of the stairs.

Kuns hand was soft, warm, and fit perfectly around hers; Fahima tried not to smile too hard. She looked down and their hands than back to him before speaking, "I told you to hold my hand on the ride if you got scared. "

"Well if you want me to let go.." He began to loosen his grip looking slightly nervous before Fahima tightened her grasp .

"I guess that's a no." Kun smiled madly, not attempting to hide a single emotion.

"Yeah let's keep walking." She tried to sound unbothered, but the feeling of his thumb rubbing against hers resulted in a giggle to come out at the end.

Fahima tried to keep a cool demeanor, in reality she was on cloud nine. Kun was someone she truly felt comfortable around and was hoping he'd make a move soon. It may have been a tiny one, but it felt like a leap since her heart rate never settled.

"Don't ask me to get on a ride like that ever again." A pale faced Jihyo complained as she walked past the two hurried.


how many times do you think i went HEHEHEHHE while writing this...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2023 ⏰

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