It's For Charity

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Ayan  got off the bus, thanking the driver as she exited. 

The sun beamed down on Ayan, warming her as the cold November air rushed past. Her cream coloured cardigan fell past the white knitted turtle neck that covered her upper body. The baby blue beret she wore matched the loose fitting bell bottom jeans she had on. 

Ayan adjusted the tote bag on her shoulder and began walking into the building.

She had offered to volunteer at an indoor festival that had been planned for children to socialize and meet new friends. 

Ayan signed up to help any booth that required extra assistance and to pack up and return anything that belonged to the rec centres storage room. 

The young volunteer took in her surroundings. 

The building being used was designated for events so the floor had already been cleared of previous props and stands. Now stood multiple booths with interactive games and food.

Booths spread across the entire perimeter of the room, in the middle sat a glass box containing all the cash donations that had been made by the even goers. The donations being made were going to the Big Brother Big Sister organization, a group Ayan was familiar with. 

She smiled happy, she loved volunteering. After all, it's for charity.

Ayan began to complete her tasks, moving around to wherever the organizers required her to; helping set up tables, grabbing more supplies for the food stands and retrieving prizes for the game booths. If you could name it, Ayan had done it. 

During her hour break, Ayan walked around the floor, assessing the booths she hadn't gotten to see yet.

Her eyes lit up when she saw the face painting booth.

'Cute' she thought to herself as she approached. 

"Hey, are you one of the volunteers?" the girl who was doing the paintings asked with a smile. She looked around the same age as Ayan and had a cheerful aura surrounding her. 

"Is it that obvious?" Ayan answered, in a light sarcastic tone.

"You have the sweet volunteer look." the girl shrugged back.

Ayan smiled, accepting the compliment.

She scanned over the options deciding which painting to get done before spotting one, 

"Can I get this one?"

"Ask and you shall receive!" the painter voiced, beginning her work.

After 10 minutes and multiple 'thank you's' Ayan left the stand, a purple butterfly surrounded her left eye and spread across her temple. 

As the day continued on, Ayan enjoyed her time, watching children have fun always brought happiness to her heart. 

The 6 hours of volunteer work left the girl tired and ready to go home.

The space that had been filled with people and stands had been mostly cleared, only a few tables and objects were left for Ayan to pack up.

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