The Raptors Play Tonight

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Doyoung walked through the library absentmindedly, he was wanting to get ahead on the paper he had due by the end of the term. He decided he may as well start today since there wasn't much going on.

When he arrived outside the study room the privacy blinds were already drawn. 

Doyoung peered through the door to check if anyone had actually been inside, he only saw Eman.

It had been a few days since the group had done their investigating, coming up fairly empty-handed. Since that day, they had continued to hangout on a few different occasions, more so for fun rather than trying to find out who MonV was.

"What are you up to?" Doyoung questioned, seating himself across from her at the table.

Eman didn't bother looking up, she was familiar with Doyoung's voice at this point.

"This essay for my ethics class, I'm just finishing up now. You?" she asked back, sounding slightly tired.

"Term paper."

Doyoung pondered for a little before speaking up again.

"Do you wanna grab some food when we're done before heading home? It's on me today."

Eman stopped typing and looked up at him, a smile spreading across her face.

"Ohhh my doie pie you are too sweet!" she voiced, the burst of energy appearing from nowhere.


The two had worked for hours straight, not a word was spoken unrelated their assignments. Eman put the finishing touches on her essay, editing words and checking her sources. 

Doyoung on the other hand was only beginning his paper, planning the he information he needed to include.

After agreeing to call it a day, the two began packing up. They walked through the school side by side trying to agree on where to pick up food. Eman declined every idea Doyoung threw out.

"Panda Express?"







"Sorry, I don't even know what I'm in the mood for." she let out apologetically. 

"Should we just stop at dominos on the way home?" suggested Doyoung.

"Works for me." Eman smiled back.

After calling in the order the two sat in the car listening to music and chatting. The wait time was about 25 minutes so they had a bit of time spare.

Eman hesitated before speaking, "I have a question I've been wanting to ask actually."

"Yeah what's up?" Doyoung encouraged her to carry on. 

"I don't know if I'm reading it wrong but does Jaemin not like me for some reason? I feel like he's open to talking to everyone but me.. Whenever I try to talk to him he brushes me off or acts like he didn't hear what I said. I don't think I've done anything wrong so what's up with him?" Eman sighed, finally letting her thoughts out.

Doyoung processed what Eman said before giving a response back.

"Eman I'll be honest, Jaemin is a shy guy. He has a hard time opening up to new people I promise it isn't something you did. Just give him some time and he'll warm up. Try to keep talking to him and getting to know him. There's certain things I can't say because it's not my place but just trust me."  

He stared at Eman waiting to see how she would react.

"Okay, thank you honestly. I just thought it would be best to ask you since he's your brother." she expressed, giving Doyoung a genuine smile in return.

The two shifted their conversation back to random topics; favourite disney characters, plans for a zombie apocalypse and top 3 essentials if they were stranded on a dessert island. 

After enough time had passed, Eman ran inside with Doyoungs card to pay and grab the food. He sat in the drivers seat tapping his fingers on the steering wheel to the beat of the music. 

His eyes followed Eman as she walked back to the car, she held two times the amount of food they had ordered.

"They put our order in twice but only charged us for one. Me personally, I'm not complaining." She let out a villainous chuckle like she had somehow rigged the system.

Doyoung let out a heartfelt laugh at her behaviour.

"Back to the apartments now?" asked Doyoung in between fits of laughter.

"Ye- wait. Is it Thursday?" Eman turned to him expectantly.

Doyoung simply nodded.

"Good grief the Raptors play today. Skyy likes us to come over to watch the game with her. Come with us, it'll be nice plus, we have the extra food." suggested Eman.

"Sounds fun, I'll message the group chat and tell them to meet us there. As long as Skyy doesn't mind." he expressed.

"Nope, we're good. Lets go!" shouted Eman, filled with excitement.

Doyoung turned the volume up as 'Dat Right There' began to play, the two pulled out of the parking lot yelling out the lyrics.

They were completely unaware of the eyes filled with hatred that had been following their every move. 



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