Why her?

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–Scaramouche's pov–

Why does it have to be her?  Who will hold my hand? Who will be with me.. why her? Its so annoying.

Its not fair why her? Why her? Of course because of that stupid old hag.. who wants to keep our bloodline pure.

Royalty and shit, its all bullshit what's the purpose of it? I don't want to be a king, I want to be with them.

Is it that hard to accept the fact I don't want to marry haypasia, she's not my type plus she's to.... obsessive its weird. I barely know her, and her nation or stuff. To declare peace between sumeru and inazuma.

Peace my ass, haven't you read the books of history? Everytime you declare peace with another nation it gets destroyed in a few years so its basically useless. But no that old hag won't listen.


"I don't want to marry anyone!" Scaramouche yelled as he slammed his hand on the table, which caused some of the plates to fall. "Why can't I choose to marry someone I love?!" He continued.

"You decided to marry yae miko, who is just the head shrine maiden?! How come I can't do that as well!" He yelled back at his mother. "Its to declare peace between to nations" she simply said, while makoto looked worried.

"You're not even the rightful heir, its supposed to be aunt Makoto, so how come you got the throne? It wasn't even supposed to be you!" He said in a matter of fact voice. "Would you listen! Its for our nation and its people!" Ei, his mother said.

After hearing what his mother said made him scoff, "And since when have you taken interest in the people? All you ever care is about the bloodline! To keep it pure. But you broke that and you are telling me to follow it? How foolish of you!" He said in anger, "Okay maybe we all should calm down.." makoto said as she was s ared something bad will happen.

"You have no right to say that, Love is love and you learn to love the princess of  Sumeru and that's final"  She said as she glared at her son, "I don't love her! Why do I have to do this? This isn't fair.. all of this isn't" scara said as he left the dinning room.

"You should calm down ei.. he clearly doesn't want to do the marriage.. you can't just force someone to do something they don't want to.." Makoto said while ei just scoffed. "Its final and that's what we are going to do" she said as she left the room as well.

Now makoto knew of scaramouche's feelings, she often caught him sneaking of the castle. So sometimes she would change the route of the guards so he could go out easily, she would also sometimes stay up to see him come back with a small smile on his face.

But between ei and scaramouche's arguement, his right. Ei broke the tradition of marrying a royal. And now she doesn't even want scaramouche to have his own freedom, And she knows its not fair to him.





"Pssh.. scara" makoto whispered behind a tree when scara was about to leave the castle for good, "aunt makoto?" He said "what are you doing here?" He hissed at her. "Here for you.. I mean to help you escape... now follow me!" She said as she grabbed his arm and started dragging him to a secret exit.

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