The other woman

389 8 16

College au
Modern au!

You and scaramouche have been having fights lately, and you two were not close anymore like the few early months in your relationship. When you accepted his confession it made you happy.

And you were expecting a good relationship with him but it was the opposite he won't even treat you like a lover, he would also sometimes ignore you and that but you weren't expecting to see him kissing someone.

You were heartbroken, but you know that you have to move on even tho he was your first love. So now you were moving to another apartment, you know its for the best so why does it hurt?

"I'm back" you heard him yell, you scoffed as you continued packing your things. "N/n?" He called out to which you ignored him again, now you were almost done just a few more things that needs to be fixed and your out from his apartment.

You heard the door open, "y/n? What are you doing?" He asked as he went closer to you, "Stay away from me and I'm leaving.." you said. "Wh– what why?" He asked, " why? Ask yourself that before you start kissing some other girls face" you said.

"I would never do that" he said, you rolled your eyes as you told him that you saw him kissing a girl in the hallway. "She pulled me" he said, you let out another scoff "Pulled you? Then why did it looked like you were enjoying it!" You said.

"How can I? She literally held my fucking face and I couldn't comprehend what was happening!" He said as he paced around the room, "Just tell the truth scaramouche!" You said. He looked back at you, "Stop" he said.

You looked at him confused "Stop?" You asked, "You never call me by scaramouche its always scara, or any other cheesy nicknames" he said. "Well I'm glad you noticed it and pointed it out just now" you said sarcastically as you rolled your eyes.

"Why won't you believe me!" He said as he walked over to you, "How can I believe you when you were basically kissing someone who likes you! And she's been telling me how much you like her better than me! She even told me you were going to break up with me! So how could I not believe her!" You told him as tears started to form in your eyes.

"Y/n... please d– don't cry.. you know how much I hate it when you cry.... especially if I was the one who did it.." he said as he went over to you and wiped your the tears that started to roll down from your cheeks. "J– just tell me scara... don't make it ant harder for me.. for us.." you said as you looked at him.

"I am telling the truth, my love! If you don't believe me you can ask kazuha, signora, childe for fuck's sake you can even ask that old hag!" He said as he hugged you, "I promised you that I won't do anything like this didn't I?" he said. You nodded at him as he continued to wipe the tears that continued to fall.

"Then why were you ignoring me?" You asked, "Still observant as ever huh? It wasn't really on purpose... I just wanted to suprise you since our anniversary was coming up.." he told you and now you felt bad. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions with out asking or hearing your side of the story" you apologized as you hugged him.

"Its okay... I know I'm not the best lover out there but... I'm doing my best to learn and understand for you.. I can't lose you y/n" he said as he hugged you tightly. "I really can't lose you..." he said. You two then fixed your other problems and talked about it and all. And now you both were just cuddling in the sofa while watching a movie.

"I love you y/n"

"I love you too scara"

Unfortunately you were a good liar.....

Part 2?

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