twenty five

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i finally get out of the smoke filled house. will's in there and he's dying, i can't waste any time. searching quickly and thoroughly through my bag, i finally pull out my walkie.

"hello?" i yell. "is anyone there?" no reply. it's early, i know but someone has to hear me. maybe i'm out of range.

i put the walkie down by my side, about to walk away when i hear "he- mi- is that y-o?" the voice is cutting in and out. i can tell it's a guy, with a deep voice, but that's about all i can make out.

"yes, yes it's me."

"where are you?" it's jonathan. "is will with you?"

"he's, he is. we're at the creel's house but we need help, please help." it feels like i can't breathe, i don't know what's happening to me.

"mike, calm down, what happened?"

"i-i can't explain, please just get here as soon as you can." my throat is closing up, i think i'm having a heart attack, what the fuck is going on.

"we'll be there in a second, hold on." i hear jonathan's voice through the walkie but it doesn't process immediately. the walkie suddenly drops to the floor, it doesn't fall far but i'm not sure if it breaks or not. i stumble towards the door. i can't go in but i need to tell will everything's going to be okay.

i get to the door, there's still a gap, i could've helped will out, why didn't i. "will? jonathan is coming to save us, hold on just a few more seconds and we'll be okay. will?" he's not replying, why isn't he replying? "will?" i look through the gap in the door, he's lead down on the floor, his eyes are closed and i can't tell if he's breathing. i know will wouldn't like me blaming myself but i can't help it, i'm the reason he's still in there, i could've saved him.

i still don't know what's going on, i can barely breathe and i'm still not sure if i'm having a heart attack, but i can't leave will alone. i slowly sit down by the door, holding my chest. "where the fuck is he?" i say i between quick breaths.

i close my eyes and try to focus on breathing but all i can focus on is when jonathan is going to get here. i rest my head against the door when i hear the sound of screeching tires. i quickly sit up and open my eyes, it's jonathan and nancy. "how- how did you get here so fast?" i ask. i see the worry on both their faces when they see the fire behind me.

"i woke up and couldn't find either of you so i woke jonathan up too and we went out to look for you, we weren't far away when we heard the walkie go off.". nancy replies.

"yeah, we were worried about you both," jonathan adds. he looks around, no doubt for will. "where's will? is he okay?" i don't know how to answer that.

"he's- he um," i don't know how to put it.

"what? is he hurt?" panic starts to rise in his voice.

"he's in there." i can't bare to look at him, i've left his brother to die. it feels like hours go by before i finally get a response.

" the house?" jonathan stutters in disbelief.

"yes," i say and look up. he doesn't look worried anymore, he looks angry. i don't know if i can tell him it was all will's idea, i don't want him being angry at both of us. "he couldn't get out so he told me to go and call for help, i wanted to help him but he wouldn't let me." he has to know i didn't just leave him behind to die because i wanted to. i love him more than anything.

"what and you couldn't open the door and help him out?" jonathan asks.

"no, the door is blocked, i could barely get through." i reply, looking back at the floor.

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