twenty six

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-two days later-

it's been two days since will got rushed to hospital. the only time i have left his side is to go home, shower and change my clothes this morning, other than that, i haven't left him.

four hours after will was admitted to the hospital, we were told he's in a coma. they hospital called mrs byers and she got her as soon as she could, i told her everything. she didn't blame me and she wasn't mad nobody told her about anything that's happened in the last few days. they told her more than they told me but as soon as she found out, she told me everything.

will had not died, if jonathan had been just a few minutes later, he might not have made it. the doctors said there's something wrong with him, not just the fire. i suggested maybe it was vecna and she agreed, he's having similar symptoms to last time he was in the hospital.

these past two days has consisted of me sat beside will, talking to him about everything i wanted to tell him while he was away. mrs byers has been here most of the time too, she goes home at night but while she's here she looks after me as well as will. mom and dad don't care that i'm here, they barely even notice i'm not there.

lucas, dustin and el came to see will yesterday, they asked what happened and i told them what i told jonathan and nancy, not telling them anything about the whole 'i love you' thing. they were worried about will but they seemed more worried about if vecna is still alive or not.

they asked me if vecna was out of will, i didn't want to disappoint them so i told them i didn't know, and in all honesty, i don't know.

while i've been here, i haven't gone to see max yet, nancy said we could go together but she hasn't been here for longer than ten minutes at a time. i'm just going to go by myself, i miss max more than i imagine i ever would. mrs byers is working so i sit with will.

jonathan arrives at ten, this is the perfect time to go and see max, knowing will's safe with someone else. "i'll be back soon," i say and stand up.

"are you going home again?" he asks.

"no, i'm going to see max."

"oh, okay. i'll make sure nothing happens with will." he gives me a warm smile. i still blame myself for what happened to will and i think he knows that so he's trying to be more comforting.

i leave, stopping outside the door and taking a few deep breaths in before making my way to max's room. i get to her door and don't think before going in, nothing has changed. i can tell el was here, she's written a few letters for max, lucas has been here too, max's favourite book is beside her bed, he's been reading it to her.

i don't know what to do, what do people usually do when someone is in a coma? should i talk to her or what? i sit down on the chair beside her, it's a lot more comfortable than the seat next to will. "i miss you," i say. i'm not sure what else to say, that's it really. i miss her.

"i'm sorry i was such a dick to you when i first met you, i wish i took a second to get to know you instead of hating you as soon as i saw you. after will and el left, you were the only person who really understood me. i didn't understand you, with billy dying and everything, but lucas and dustin didn't understand me as well as you did. i didn't leave my room for months and instead of forcing me to go out with you and do things, you made sure i was okay. you checked up on me everyday and i checked up on you too. you mean more to me than i would like to admit, but if there's some way you can hear me, i just want you to know i care about you so much and i want you back." i feel stupid talking to her, she can't hear me.

i move the chair slightly closer to the bed and pick up her hand, it's ice cold. i rub my thumb against her hand, trying to comfort her even though she can't feel it. i can see her bag is on the floor, it's things el and lucas brought her in case she wakes up. i pick it up and look through it, her walkman's inside with different tapes. i look through them, i see the usual, kate bush, madonna, bowie, the police, blondie, all her favourites or artists that remind el of her. go through a few more when i finally get to one of my favourite albums by my favourite band.

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