Chapter 17: Amateurs in the Deep

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Sometime later, Birar, Grim, Trinket, Seriea, Jasper, Tanzanite, Jack, Ace, and Deuce are in the Mirror Chamber, preparing to leave for their destination, the Coral Sea. Briar then brings out the potion bottle and pours them into small cups. Then passes it around to each member. For some reason, Sereia doesn't want the potion. Briar asks why, and Sereia says that she'll show them once they get in the water.

Looking at the potion, Deuce asks, "Will Azul's potions really let us breathe underwater?"

"Yeah. It's still glowing after putting it in the cup," Jasper says.

"Only one way to find out. We'll have to chug 'em and see for ourselves," Jack says.

Ace holds the cup and says, "Okay, on three. One, two...three!"

And everyone drinks the small amount of potion they have. After drinking it, everyone has an unpleasant after taste.

Deuce flinches, "Whew... That was..."

Grim screams, "NASTY! It tastes like someone mixed together dried frogs and rotten mushrooms!"

How would you know what that tastes like?" Jack asks, and begins coughing, "It's a...powerful flavor, all right..."

Jasper is also grossed out, "It's bad!"

"I'd really awful," Tanzanite says.

Even Trinket is disgusted by the taste.

Ace says, "What genius decided that potions have to taste like crud, anyway? Someone oughta fix that." and slightly burps.

"Shouldn't we be more worried about efficacy than flavor?" Deuce says.

Suddenly, Deuce feels strange and feels like he's starting to run out of breath, "W-wait a minute. It's...getting harder to breathe..."

Briar heavily breathes, "I'm... having trouble breathing..."

Even Tanzanite, Jasper, Grim, and Trinket are showing signs of lack of breathing.

"Are our lungs adapting to breathing underwater?" Jack asks, shocked.

Ace is also gasping for air as well ,Gah... Aw geez, this is gettin' bad. Let's get in the water, quick!

Jack calls out, "Mirror of Darkness! Guide us to the Coral Sea!"

Soon the Mirror of Darkness pulls the group into the mirror to get them to their destination. Soon enough, the whole group splashes into the water. Surrounded by the undersea environment full of sea plants, sea animals, and lots of water.

Grim gurgles in a panic, "It just dumped us in the water! I'm gonna drown!"

However, Deuce notices, "Wait. I'm breathing just fine."

Grim begins to notice too, "Huh? Oh, hey, you're right."

"I can breathe now," Jasper says.

"We're actually breathing under water," Tanzanite says.

"We really can breathe underwater," Jaco says.

Ace then swims up to see the Coral Reef, "Dude! Get a load of this coral reef! If Cater was here, he'd be hashtagging pics of it faster than you could say the word 'Magicam'!"

"This place is beautiful. And there's even cute little fishies here," Briar says.

Then Jack says, "We don't have time to gawk at the scenery. We'd better get a move on and head to our target."

Grim struggles to swim as he says, "So hard to move! Mrrragh! I feel like a fish outta water here. Or whatever the opposite of that is!"

She looks around and wonders, "Hold on, where's Sereia?"

Twisted Wonderland Book 3: The Merchant from the DepthsWhere stories live. Discover now