Chapter 29: Lounge Confusion

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Continuing the game of keep away, Briar and the others swim as fast as they can to dodge the twins and keep the photo away from them.

Floyd says, "Okay, I'm tired of chasing 'em around."

"There's not long to go now. Let's just enjoy it," Jade says to Floyd.

They both continue to swim and chase after Briar and the others.

Jack turns to Briar and says, "Hey, Briar! The sun's close to setting!"

Grim asks, "Briar, are you SURE you know what you're doin'?"

"I'm positive this would work. We just need to keep this up until Leona and Ruggie have accomplished their part of the plan," Briar says.

Meanwhile, in the VIP Room of the Monstro Lounge, Azul is in the office and is aware of what the Leech Brothers are doing.

"Heh... It seems Jade and Floyd have matters well in hand. Now Ramshackle Dorm and the photo are as good as mine," Azul says, and begins to cackle, "Hm hm hm... Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Suddenly, Azul hears a knock on the door, and an Octavinelle student rushes into the room.

The student says in a frantic state, "Pardon me, Mr. Manager!"

"What is it, and where's your indoor voice?" Azul questions.

The student calms himself and says, "Sorry, sir. The Monstro Lounge is dealing with a problem right now..."

"Of what nature?" Azul asks.

"Some customers are arguing and getting rowdy, and Jade and Floyd are out right now..." The student says.

Azul says, "Really, now. What kind of unmannerly lout starts a scene in a dining establishment? Very well. I'll be right there. I'm sure Jade and Floyd will handle things well enough on their own. Dear me..."

Azul and the student leave the office to see what the situation is. What they see, Rowdy doesn't begin to describe the chaos that is happening at the lounge. The lounge is full of Savanaclaw students.

Azul is shocked, "What is the meaning of this? We've barely opened our doors for the day. How is everything already in such disarray?!"

The Savanaclaw student calls out, "HEY! I want my drink and I want it NOW!

"Meat! Meat! Hyaaa ha ha ha!" Savanaclaw Student shouts and laughs.

The third Savanaclaw student says, "Hey, that's MY meat! I ordered that!"

"Clear the way. Coming through! Azul says and pushes through the crowd.

Soon enough, Azul bumps into someone and says, "Excuse me!"

"It's cool, you're excused. Shyeheehee," Ruggie says, and snickers.

One of the Savanaclaw students calls out, "Hey, waiter! I need a refill!"

"Yessir! Be right there, sir!" A Octavinelle student says.

A second student turns to Azul and says, "Housewarden! We've been so flooded with orders that our stock of food for the day has run out!"

A third student panics, "We're running low on beverages, too!"

"Already?!" Azul asks, sounding shocked.

He calms down and says, "Fine. So be it. I'll get some cash from the vault. You make a quick run to the school store and..." and reaches into his pocket, but notices, ""

Azul checks in his other pockets, "Ah!"

Soon, Azul says in shock and fright, "I-it's gone! The vault key is gone! Oh, no... Oh, no!"

Azul runs out of the lounge and into the VIP room to see Leona in the room.

With a smug smile, Leona says, "Hey there, cephalo-punk."

"Leona Kingscholar...!" Azul says, stunned.

"What's a calm, collected guy like you doing in such a tizzy?" Leona questions.

"It's none of your business," Azul says.

Then questions, "What are you doing here, anyway?"

"Funny you should ask. Y'see, I've got this key here. Yours, I believe?" Leona says,and then holds out the key, "I found it on the floor and had a feeling it was yours. So I'm bringing it back."

Azul is shocked, "H-hey! That's—"

"I knew it. Bingo," Leona says.

Azul demands, "Give that back this instant. Theft is a serious crime!"

Leona says in reply, "Hah. Here I'm playing nice and bringing it right to you, and you're treating me like a common thief? Fine. Here, it's all yours."

And toss the keys to Azul.

Azul catches it and sighs in relief, "Phew."

"That's all I'm here for. See you around," Leona says, and takes his leave.

Once Leona is gone, Azul rushes to the vault to unlock it as he frantically says, "The contracts... Are the contracts there?!" And soon able to unlock and open the vault, but he is faced with a shocking sight, "Gh—! They're...gone."

Indeed, the vault is practically empty, and none of the contracts are there.

Azul frantically looks, "Gone, gone, gone! The contract scrolls are nowhere to be found! He then notices the black box where Briar's medallion is kept.

He looks inside and is shocked to see, "The medallion is gone too.

Soon, an idea clicks into his mind and turns to the door, "Was it...him?!"

Azul runs out of the office to confirm his suspicions.

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