Chapter 30: Contract Dissolution

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After leaving the office, Leona meets up with Ruggie outside of the Monstro Lounge and into the hall with the wide open ocean view window.

Rggie snickers, "Shyeheehee! Managed to swipe 'em without a hitch, huh?"

"Y'know, your compulsive pickpocketing never ceases to amaze me," Leona says.

Then Ruggie says, "Hey, if you wanna keep somethin' safe, you gotta keep your pockets secured too."

Then looks at the many contracts Leona has, "I'm still not over how many contract scrolls there are. I count around five to six hundred."

Leona hugs, "Hmph. He's probably been trapping people in contracts and stockpiling 'em since long before he enrolled. Now that we've got the contracts outside the VIP room, that just leaves one thing to do... 'I am the one who hungers. I am the one who thirsts. I am the one to rob you of your future—' and is secretly channeling his magic.

"By the way, did you get that necklace?" Ruggie asks.

"If you mean that herbivore's special medallion. I managed to find it along with the contracts. It's safe until it gets back to her possession," Leona says.

Suddenly, Azul runs over and shouts, "Hold it!"

Ruggie and Leona turn to see Azul.

"Whoops. That was quick," Leona replies.

He holds the contracts out and says, " Don't come any closer, or the contracts are toast."

Azul in a panic state tries to remain calm, and says, "G-give them back... Give them back now, if you please!"

Hey now, at least try to sound composed. Have you decided to drop the cool act altogether? Judging by the way you're panicking, she was right on the money," Leona says.

"Wait... What?" Azul questions in shock.

Flashback: Leona's Room, Last Night

In Leona's bed room, he along with Ruggie, Briar, and the others discuss about

Leona asks, "So what you're saying is that the contracts could be breakable when they're stored in the vault?"

"That's right," Briar says.

"Huh? 'Scuse me? What? How would that work?" Grim asks.

Ruggie understands and says, "Ooh, now that you mention it, yeah! Something doesn't quite add up right, huh? If Azul and his boys are right, and the contracts are totally unbreakable and jolt anyone who touches them... Why would they need to keep 'em locked up tight in a vault at all? They could just leave 'em around anywhere, like Leona does with his wallet."

"Oh! Now that you mention the vault..." Grim says.

Then turns to Briar, "And Briar, you just mention it as well."

"You're right. I remember how upset Azul got after Floyd damaged it," Sereia says.

Flashback: VIP Room

Azul checks the safe to see the damage that's been done, "No... The door's damaged! The dial and hinges aren't shot, are they?!"

As Azul checks the safe, Briar, Sereia, and Trinket slowly sneak away from Azul and round up the others to sneak away as well.

Azul then sighs in relief, "Phew. Okay, good."

Then glares at Floyd, "How many times have I told you not to use your signature spell so carelessly?! What will it take to get it through your head?!"

"I said I was sorry, okay? You don't gotta get all bent outta shape over one little ding," Floyd says, with a frown.

"You'd have me save my protestations for when it's completely demolished, then?!" Azul yells.

Flashback Ends:

Ruggie says, "Yeah, huh? It's just common sense to put valuables in a safe, so I didn't even question that part. Who knew our pampered prince's inability to tie his own shoes in the morning would be the key to solving this mystery?"

"Tch. You always hafta get in a dig," Leona says.

Then Ruggie says, "Y'know, I'm startin' to think that whole bit about the contracts electrifying people was another bluff on their part."

"What did mew say?!" Grim asks, shocked.

Then Leona explains, "He knew you froshes were watching them, so they conveniently 'forgot' a contract scroll and left it on the table. All they'd have to do at that point is wait for one of you to touch it, then use some lightning magic to jolt you. Maybe don't fall for such an obvious trap next time."

"In other words, Azul suspected me might come after the contracts and Briar's medallion, and set that trap for us," Tanzanite says.

That makes Grim angry, "Azul ain't just duplicitous! He's like, octaplicitous! We've been had again!"

"Regardless, the quickest way to test your theory is to remove the contracts from the vault," Leona says.

"You're right," Briar says.

Then Jasper asks, "Hey Briar, how did you figure out about those contracts that might not be unbreakable as Azul said it was?"

"Well, I remember what Tsunotarou told me when I took for a walk around the Ramshackle Form. He told me about gargoyles and said that even though they look dangerous and frightening they can be kind and devoted to help the birds. And told me that sometimes, what you see with your eyes is the complete opposite of the truth," Briar says.

Flashback Ends:

Hearing the explanation, Azul is beyond shocked, "This was Briar's idea?! Why? Why am I being hassled like this?! Briar stands to gain nothing whatsoever from releasing the anemones! It's ridiculous!"

"Frankly, I couldn't agree more," Leona says.

Then he smirks to Azul and says, "So, Azul... How about you and I make a deal?"

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