Chapter 27: Singing Some Praise

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Some time passes and Briar and the others have reached the Atlantica Memorial Museum to get the picture that Azul wants. However, when they arrive, there is one major problem.

"It's closed?!" Everyone exclaims in shock.

"Are you kidding? What awful timing," Jack says.

"This is really bad timing," Jasper says.

Deuce questions, "Is that why the Leech brothers haven't harassed us at all today? Because they knew?"

"I dunno about that," Ace says.

Then Jack asks, "Are we really turning tail and going back empty-handed after coming all this way?"

"No way. We can't give up now," Briar says.

Just then, Ace says, "Hold up! I've got an idea."

Ace swims ahead, and the others follow. They swim close to the entrance, but remain hidden to see a few mermen guards.

Grim is shocked, "Mragh! Guess I shouldn't be surprised that merfolk society would have merfolk security guards."

"I mean, duh?" Deuce says.

Then Ace says, "Okay. I'm gonna distract the guard. In the meantime, you guys sneak in behind him and borrow the photo.

"Are you sure you can handle this by yourself?" Jack asks.

Ace says, "You're honest to a fault, and Deuce would give himself away within minutes. Don't worry. I got this."

"Okay Ace, be careful," Briar says.

"Don't worry, I'll handle it," Ace says.

Ace then swims around and reaches the guards.

Ace then screams, "Awww, MAN! For realsies?!"

Hearing Ace shouting, that catches the mermen's attention.

The first merman questions, "Hm? Is something the matter?"

"Is the museum really closed today? I can't believe this. I was super pumped for this visit..." Ace asks, shocked and disappointed.

The merman notices Ace and asks, "Why, that's an odd tailfin you've got. Are you a land-dweller? Did you come all the way here by yourself?

"Yes, sir! I've always admired merfolk society, ever since I was a kid. I scrimped and saved, got myself a magic potion, and now I've finally made it here! Duuude, a real live merman! This is SO COOL!" Ace says in excitement.

Then asks, "Can I touch your fins? Can I have your autograph?!"

"U-um, sure? Would you like to see my dorsal fin, too?" The merman replies.

Briar and the others watch Ace having the guards distracted.

"That guy can lie like nobody's business. He ain't even battin' an eye!" Grim says.

"The guard's totally distracted. Let's move!" Jack says.

The group sneaks to the back and are able to find an open window for them to enter from. They all swim inside and find themselves inside the museum. They soon see a statue or what looks like a merman king, along with different halls, and many different artifacts, pictures, and other stuff.

Jack says, "This is the place Azul mentioned, right?" Then sees the pictures, "Here's a photo commemorating the visit of Horatio XII, court musician... Here's one of the fourth princess... There sure are a lot of these. I can see why he said nobody would notice if we borrowed one."

"Where's that commemorative photo of Prince Rielle from ten years ago...?" Deuce wonders.

Soon, Sereia says, "I think I found it."

Deuce looks at it and says, "'A visit from Prince Rielle and his schoolmates...'"

The others look at the picture as well.

"It looks like an elementary school field trip photo," Briar says.

"There's a bunch of tiny merfolk in this pic," Grim says.

"They're so cute," Sereia says.

"Of all the pictures here, why would he ask for this one specifically?" Jack wonders.

"I couldn't say... But once we bring it back, I can say goodbye to this sea anemone on my head!" Deuce says.

"Hmm, it is strange that Azul would want that photo. But from the looks of it, the picture, if we take around ten years forward. The students would have been around, maybe around Azul and the twins' age."

Then Deuce says, "Just grab it and let's go already."

Deuce then takes the photo off the wall. Luckily, nothing seems to happen.

"Huh. It's not even rigged with an alarm. I guess it really is just a commemorative photo. This is kinda underwhelming," Jack says.

"It kind of is," Tanzanite says.

"Now that we got the painting, let's get out of here before someone sees us," Jasper says.

However, it's too late, a merman guard has seen them, "Hm? HEY! What are you doing there?!"

Everyone panics.

Even Grim yelps, "Myah?! Uh-oh. It's a guard!"

"They spotted us!" Tanzanite panics.

Then Jack says, "I don't like this one bit, but I've got no choice. Sorry, buddy. You need to take a little nap!"

"I have to agree," Sereia says.

Sereia quickly brings out her magepen and casts a spell to blow out bubbles to distract the guard. She has cast a lot of bubbles, almost like a foaming blanket. The guard finds himself surrounded by them and is having trouble seeing.

"Nice work, Sereia," Jasper says.

"Thanks Jasper," Sereia says.

"Come on guys, let's get out of here before any more of them show up," Briar says.

Everyone quickly swims through the museum and reaches the window they sneak in and are able to sneak out.

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