She's what?

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While I lay in bed I start thinking to myself, should I tell her? I mean, if I tell her now it would be good, but what if scare her away? What if she rejects me? Okay, I won't tell her for now. I'll just get to her as close as possible then I'll tell her. 


It's a new morning, Gavin and I are up before the others for our morning run.

"So tell me, Gavin, how did she take the news?" I start getting ready to run and he does the same. 

"Well, at first she was a bit scared, but then I told her I'm never going to harm her and if she's in danger will do anything to save her. Basically my devotion to her." He smiles and starts running really fast. I caught up with ease. I run faster than a lot of the other wolves which I still don't know why. 

We finally came back from running, we left at 4 am and came back at 7 am. As we enter the house we make sure not to wake up anyone. 

"Damn, how are they still asleep?" Gavin laughs and drinks some water from the refrigerator. 

"They need the sleep you know." We chat for an hour until my mate Vera comes out of her room in a suit ready to go somewhere. What did she work as? Sugar mommy vibes? 

'Follow her and find out.'

'Isn't that stalking Evergreen?'

'Uhm no...Think of it this way, we are protecting our mate.'

'Why are you my wolf...'

'Because I'm the shit bitch. Now follow her.'

'I'm not a dog Evergreen.'

'You're a werewolf. Now get your as moving.' I roll my eyes and do as Evergreen says. The moment she leaves I leave after her. I head to the woods to shift and start following her car. After running for two hours and some minutes, we finally arrived. 

I take the moment to take my surrounding in. People everywhere in suits, holding guns, and cars going in and out. I look back at my mate and see her stepping out of her car and everyone starts greeting her saying good morning boss and bowing their heads with respect. Wait hold on...Is she part of the mafia? Well, that's another dream come true. Vera starts heading in and now I have to figure a way in. I could go all spy mode and sneak around like a ninja, but my stupid would start laughing at people. I could knock them out and go in...But I look the same.

'Bitch, how about this, why don't you shrink a little and go in.' 

'Wow, you're actually smart...O' wise one please teach me the ways!' I start laughing and Evergreen growls at me.

'Just hurry the fuck up.' Shrinking is a bit hard to do, but if you keep doing it over the years, you can do it easily and maintain the form for a long period of the time. I quickly went after Vera and started to rub my fur against her. Please, do not kick me. I would scream and we don't need that. She looks at me, then bends down to pet me. She begins to scratch my ears...Oh my god...It feels so good. It feels like heaven. I didn't realize it, but I let out a small moan...My eyes instantly shot up at her, hoping my dumbass didn't blow my cover. I notice her grabbing something from her coat...IT'S A FUCKING LEASH. WHY THE FUCK DOES SHE HAVE A LEASH ON HER?! Kinky as hell...

'OH MY FUCKING GOD...HAHA IMAGINE? A WEREWOLF ON A LEASH?' Evergreen starts hollering at me like a kid. 

'Just watch, one day I'm going to let you take over my body and I won't take it back. I'll make her put the leash on you.' 

'Uh-huh sure.' I ignore Evergreen and feel the collar around my neck then the leash.

"Come along now puppy." Puppy? Love, do I look like a puppy to you? I have to be the size of a German Shepard. She starts making kissing noises to tell me to follow her. I do as she says and follow her to her office. Vera smiles and then returns to work. This is good, I can keep her safe and stay with her. Although I wish to kiss her, this is fine for now. 

Okay, this is not okay. She hasn't even looked at me. I swear to god, I will shift right here and now. I went to her and put my head on her lap. She looks towards me and smiles just to look away again. You got me fucked up...I'm gonna shift.

Out of nowhere, the door flew open and I smelled a threat. Before vera could react, I jumped at the human in front of me and pinned them to the ground, growling in their face. Yeah, your not so scary now are you pal? He tries to do something and I hover my teeth right above his neck, waiting for him to do something.

"Puppy, back away." Why? Aren't you in danger? she slowly walks to me as if she thinks I'm going to attack her. I instantly back off and went near her and sat down. There was a soft smile and then she grabbed the man and pinned him. "How the fuck did you get in here?" 

"I-I'm not telling you." Vera lets a small sigh out and looks at me.

"Go on puppy, tear him apart in front of me." She says while she walks back to her desk. She sits down and looks at me. "Well, don't make me repeat myself. Kill him." I immediately go after his throat and bite it, he starts to squirm, and then he stops. Lying there lifeless with blood around him. I begin walking back to her, but before I could she was in front of me. 

"Your not a dog are you?" Well, this is why you should play dumb sometimes people. I feel her petting my head and I just look at her. I pay attention to her heartbeat and she isn't scared. "It doesn't matter what you, all I know is I feel safe around you, just like I feel around that girl Amara. So, I'm going to take you with me." 

This is a problem. And there is one solution, which is, to tell her tomorrow. Why tomorrow? Cause its literally 8 pm. She spent most of her day in this office or whatever. 


Okay, now imma relax for like a day or two and watch some shows.

Have a great day love you all.

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