New leader

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A: After welcoming us in, he leads us to the main room, where all the werewolves are.

"I've called you all here today because, we need a new alpha. My mate has passed away and was not able to give birth. We will be holding a competition in a week for a new alpha." the alpha turn to Gavin and I, "You two cannot leave, I have something to discuss with you." He then dismisses everyone form the room and leaves.

Gavin turn to me, "How the hell am I going to contact my mate, we have no reception here."

"I know, just hold out okay?" He nods.

"Amara who do you think is going to end up being alpha?" That's a good question, who the hell is going to end up as the alpha? Suddenly it clicks.

"Gavin, you can be alpha!" His jaw dropped at what I said. "What its not a bad idea, you could really use the strength to protect your mate don't you?" Gavin pauses for a moment, taking whatever I said in consideration.

"Well the same can be said about you, right?"

"No, I'm strong enough, plus I think she might be stronger then me."

"Okay, say I take participation in this event, what are my chances of wining..." I look at him and then look away.

"Maybe like 20%...." he holds his head in disbelief.

"You're kidding with me right? There is no way I'm that weak?" I don't respond and keep looking at him. "Ha, I can't believe it. What should I do?"

"We could spar? I guess that would help, no?" He nods and we head off just to do that.


(2 Days Later)

V: Its been two days. Two god damn days since she's been gone. She hasn't texted, called, or anything. Where did she go, I'm starting to get worried. What if something really bad happened. 

"No no, come down Vera. I'm sure she's safe she's probably just safe." I mumble to myself.

"Mom, has Amara been answering your phone, because Gavin hasn't answered mine."

"Amara hasn't contacted me sweetie, don't worry they will be home soon." Why am promising her empty words? I watch as Claire goes back up to her room, I should just go and get busy with some work.


A: Two days since I last saw her and its killing me.

'Its killing me more then its killing you A.'

"I'm 500% sure that its killing us the same amount..."

'Ugh, you suck. Just sneak out or something, this is killing me. Like I literally feel a knife in my chest'

"Shut up."

'So rude for what?' I walk towards Gavin and then I see him talking to the alpha. 'Since when were they on good terms?'

"What do you mean?"

'Didn't he leave the pack? Cause that would normally put you on bad terms.' Evergreen has a point, but I'm sure its nothing.

"Nah I'm sure its nothing after all, Gavin would never betray me, He's like family.

'Okay just have a bad feeling or something.' I ignore Evergreen and notice Gavin running back to me.

"Amara, I put you in the competition." 


'What did I tell you...' I continue to ignore Evergreen again.

"The hell do you mean?" I'm confused, I told him I didn't want this.

"Why not its just friendly competition, who knows maybe we would make it to the last two remaining and have an all out fight!" Someone better hold me back, I'm about to kill a bitch.

'Hell yeah sister kill his ass!'

"Shut up." Evergreen goes quiet again.

"Okay, I will make sure I make it to the top, and when I do, I will rip your throat out."

"Calm down, we all know I'm gonna get stronger, this is when I show everyone how amazing I am." What on earth is wrong with him...

'No clue girl.'

"Okay..." I just start walking away to where ever the hell this path leads. Just away from him please. I'm going crazy because of this one week thing.

'I'm enjoying this.'

"How many times do I have to say shut up." This time evergreen ignores me. Whatever.


hey yall how yall doing?? ♥ My bad I've been away for like a good while sorry just busy, but I'm free for like a month so yeah, I'm gonna try to squeeze as much as chaps as I can♥

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