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Amara's Pov:

It's nice returning to my father after a while since I've been busy getting to know my mate, I wonder what I'm going to say to him. I was going to take Gavin with me until he had some pressing matters with his family, which I honestly preferred. I just wanted to be with my father alone after a long time. After a few more minutes of driving, I finally made it to my father's house. It smells just like home, I rush out of the car and head to the door. Before I could even knock, he opened the door pulling me in a warm hug.

"My daughter! Oh, how I missed you. Tell me everything that's going on." He pulls me to the couch and leaves to grab some beer. I look around while he takes his time to get us the drinks, nothing has changed ever since I left.

"Before we talk about my mate, why did we leave the pack...?" I stare at him and he does the same.

"I suppose it's time to tell you..." He sits down handing me a glass and takes a deep breath. "Your grandmother was a Guardian, however, your mother never got it. Which meant you got it and if the pack found out, they would kill you. The reason they would get mad would be because one of the guardians killed their alpha 10 years ago. Yes, I lied to you about him, forgive me for that. Your mother left with her grandma to serve with them, even if she wasn't one, and I took you because I wanted you to have a free life." My father stops talking to take a sip of his drink. "Your mother wanted you to be one. It's not a safe job, you can die anytime. I could not bear the thought of seeing you die." I take a moment and drink some beer. 

"But being a werewolf means I can die anytime. How is that any different from being a guardian." 

"Because you're out there guarding every moment of your life. You have no break, you can't even sleep, and no time to eat. All you do is your job, I didn't want that for you. I just wanted you to be happy." The tone of his voice changes and he sounded sad. Seeing my father sad is something new for me since he's always there for me by being strong. A pillar I could lean on every time. "However, I'm thankful you did. If you never took me I don't think I would've found my mate." 

"Do not tell anyone about the fact that you're a guardian." I nod and begin to tell him everything about my mate and how I found Gavin again.


"I forgot to tell you, Sophie from the pack told Gavin that he and I needed to show up at the pack for something." I wait for him to tell me what to do.

"If you're gonna go there be careful, don't let anyone find out. If they do, they will make sure you die and your mate Vera will also die. they take their Alpha's death very seriously."

"But we didn't kill their alpha...Unless someone that we know did. What are you keeping?"

"Your mother is far older than us and had a mate before me however, he died and she had a child with him he is older than you, and he was the one who killed the alpha..over his mate...I will not tell this story since it is not mine to tell really. If you wish to find him, he is with his mother. And if you wish to seek her, just open your mind." 


We talked for a couple more hours and then I started heading home until I felt my phone vibrate.

Vera: Hey is everything alright with your father? It's been a couple of hours...And you haven't texted me.

I look at the text and felt my heart race. Just a text from her is enough to make my heart race, how sweet.

Me: Yes, everything is fine. I won't be coming to you tonight, however. I have to collect myself at home. Please take care of yourself.

Vera: Then see me tomorrow no buts. You have to come to see me or I will come to see you, even if you say no.

Me: Alright alright I will goodnight.

Vera: Goodnight and stay safe. Oh, also I love Evergreen, she's so adorable.

Me: That's very cute. Now get some rest.

It really is cute I'm blushing so hard right now I don't want this moment to ever end.

Vera: Goodnight.

And with that, I started heading home to rest. The meeting was tomorrow, I need a clear head in order to not mess things up. What even is a guardian...Do I have wings like angels or what? I start thinking about the guardian until I hear something.

'You don't have wings...You get a weapon that links with your soul..' It was Guinevere.

'Oh really? Why don't I have a scythe or something?'

'Your soul doesn't speak scythe, it speaks of a sword that is very beautiful...which is me...'

'I see, well it's been great chatting with you goodnight.' I got somewhat of an answer which is great but it only leaves more. But that's for the future me to worry about, I have other pressing matters at hand, that I need to deal with. 


Just like Vera asked I went to see her this morning and I needed to see Gavin. Before I made it to the door I went to the woods near their house and found Evergreen doing the morning patrol. 

'Oh, you're back...Damn, I'll miss being here with her.' 

'Hey just let me deal with the pack stuff and we can come back okay?' Evergreen nods and enters my body. I run back to the house with a smile on my face ready to see my mate again. I open the door and go in.

"Good morning you guys." I greet everyone that's in the living room and walk towards my mate pulling her into a hug and smelling her. Her scent makes me feel safe and at home. "Now I have done what you wanted me to do, I must go again. This is however much more important." I look at Gavin and he gets up kissing Claire bye. 

"I swear to god...Keep this up and you will live to regret it." She grabs my face and plants a kiss on my lips and then kisses my forehead, sending warmth everywhere into my body.

"I swear I won't." I hug her and start walking to the door where Gavin is waiting for me. "Let's go." We make it to the car and I get the feeling that Gavin wants to know what happened with my father yesterday.

"So what happened with your father?"

"We just talked about Vera." Just saying her name makes me smile. "Focus on driving and getting there fast." He nods and we stay quiet.


We make it to the pack and the smell of so many wolves covers my nose. We slowly make it to the entrance of the pack house and breathe before knocking. The door swings open to find a very distressed Alpha.

"Welcome back you two..."


HEY GUYS IM SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG. I finally got my room back and I can finally write again which is great. Now I can finally rest...Bye guys I love you all :)

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