Doesn't make sense

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Amara POV:

"What are you talking about? How could you be her mate when Gavin is her mate?" While trying to understand the situation, I saw people gathering around us. I grab them both and start pulling them away. "We're drawing a crowd, let's go." 

"Okay, how about you tell us how you met her Yvette?" Yvette looks at me letting out a groan then takes a seat on the ground.

"2 months ago I saw her at a party the humans were holding. There have been a lot of rouge wolves seen in the area, so we were sent to the party. So when we arrived we found no one and then we were told it was a distraction, but just to be careful, I stayed. That is when I saw her."

"So you didn't make contact with her, but you know her name?"

"I stayed near her and then found out what her name was. I also smelled a familiar scent but couldn't place it until now." Yvette glares at Gavin.

"Look, this shouldn't even be happening, what are you two not telling me? This hasn't happened before and I want to help figure this out. So I need you both to help me by telling me what you aren't telling me."

"Look, I've told you everything, if anyone here hasn't said anything it's him." She points towards Gavin.

"How about we deal with this after the competition." He finally spoke after being quiet for so long only to end this conversation.

"You're avoiding the topic at hand G-"

"I said after." And then he turns and walks away after interrupting me.

'Did he just cut me off? As if he didn't piss me off already by adding me to the competition. Now he also interrupts me.'

'I swear he's trying to die or something by pulling this.' Evergreen groans. I turn towards Yvette and see she's just as angry as me.

"Yvette, quick question." She takes a second to breathe and then nods at me to continue. "Are you competing in the competition?"

"Yes, why?" She tilts her head to the side.

"I was going to ask for some help with this situation, but I'll do it myself." I began to turn, only to then feel a hand on my shoulder. I glance at her then her hand, and she gets the clue, taking her hand off. 

"You make it sound like you're not competing." She lets out a laugh and then stops when she sees I'm not laughing with her. "You're not competing?"

"I wasn't going to compete, I have nothing to gain if I were to compete. But Gavin decided otherwise and put me in to compete for the title..." Wait, why did he want me to compete? Ever since we got here, he's been avoiding me.

'It seems as if he's trying to keep you busy Master.' Guinevere chimes in.

'But what would he be keeping me busy from? None of this makes sense.'

"So what are you going to do about this?" Yvette asks.

"I'm going to figure out what's going on, but to do that I have to get out of the competition."


HELLOOOOOOOOOO how r yall doing, have u guys been drinking and eating? Make sure you guys take good care of yourselves, byebye♥

Sorry for the short chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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