Cupid Can Be Cruel

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The sheriff strode through the market, fixing his weapons belt. Making his way through the crowd, he scanned the area for any threats, but he found none. While he wasn't looking, a boy bumped into him.

"Pardon me, my apologies. I wasn't looking where I was going." The boy stuttered out. The sheriff looked up at the boy, only to see the prince. He scratched the top of his cropped blonde hair, awkwardly, and smiled

"That's alright, your majesty, I wasn't looking either. Are you alright?"

"Oh, I didn't realize it was you, Uncle Samuel. I'm alright, thank you. I'll get out of

your hair now." The boy rushed off, flanked by Tobias and Romden as the sheriff watched, his steel gray eyes focused on the prince. After the crowd blocked his sight, Samuel continued his walk through the market. He knew he had to tell the royal family, but it may cause more harm than good. How would he even start to explain that their dad was alive, and has been for a long, long time? The sheriff couldn't bring himself to do it. Seraph would figure out his own way, all in good time.

The trio of teens anxiously jogged over to a tall tree near the kingdom walls. Once they reached the bottom of the tree, the prince backed up, then sprinted towards the trunk, using his foot against the tree to hop up and grab onto a branch, hoisting himself up. Tobias then followed his example, calling their guard up. Romden sighed and hesitantly made his way up the branches, preferring to use upper body strength to pull himself up rather than to run and leap. The boys climbed to the sturdiest top branch and sat there, swinging their legs carelessly as they watched the bustle of the kingdom market. After a second passed, Theo rested his head on his friend's shoulder, yawning. Tobias reached his arm behind the prince and rested his hand on the boy's hair. Romden continued to watch the bottom of the tree, hoping that no threats would notice them.

"How's your scar doing Tobias?" The prince asked, breaking the silence.

"It's starting to heal. Didn't your brother have a meeting today?" Theo nodded his head on the brunet's shoulder. That was why he invited the others out there. He needed an escape away from the castle and away from his brother's work. Even though Warren promised that he would always be there for Theo, the boy couldn't help but wonder if what he said was true. The king never had time for him anymore, he was constantly ignored and shooed away. He felt like a ghost, unheard and unseen in his own home.

"Who was the meeting with?"

"Some elf that he knew. If you ask me, the elf seemed odd." The prince mumbled, shrugging slightly. The other two nodded, not really thinking much about it. They proceeded to joke and laugh with each other until the sun began to set. Days like those were always the best, as the boys felt they could tell each other anything up in that tree. Once all three had jumped down, they parted ways, waving goodbye to each other.

Remembering the errand he was originally supposed to run, Tobias dashed towards the market. Shoving his way through the crowd, he stumbled into a stand selling exactly what he needed. The boy smiled and pointed at one of the fish on the counter.

"That'll be 3 klam." The seller yawned. Tobias froze. His father hadn't given him enough.

"Oh.. well, what could I get for 1 klam?" The seller paused for a second, before turning towards the counter and grabbing a smaller fish. The brunette sighed and set the money down, taking the fish. Dragging his feet, he trudged back toward his home.

"Pa? The fish was too expensive... I had to downsize." He spoke quietly, not knowing where his father was. Out of nowhere, the man stumbled towards him and snagged the fish out of his son's hands.

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