Drowning (In More Ways Than One)

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As the boys walked through the market, making jokes and pointing at items they found interesting, a voice nearby caught Theo's attention. Theo looked over, only to make eye contact with someone he didn't think he would see again. Syn. With a smile, he waved at her and she returned the wave, soon walking up to the trio.

"Well, we meet again, Prince. Hello again, Theodore's companions." She curtsies before them.

"No need to be formal. Oh, I just remembered. I never introduced you all last time. This is my guard, Romden Fletcher, and my best friend To-" Theo was quickly cut off.

"Tobias Smith. Pleasure to meet you." He smiled, extending his hand, which Syn shook politely. Theo glanced between the two of them, a pit building in his stomach.

"Lovely to meet you two. I was out shopping and spotted Theodore, apologies if I interrupted your conversation." She held her hands up.

"No apology needed, we were just looking around as well." Theo chuckled awkwardly, rubbing at his sleeve.

"So, Syn, since it seems that you're becoming a good friend of Theo's, might I ask you a few questions? To get to know you better of course." Tobias grinned, surprising the others.

"Toby, what are you doing?" Romden leaned next to Tobias, whispering in his ear. Tobias shook him away and returned his attention to Syn. She blinked, then smiled in agreement. Tobias waved for the group to follow him away from the crowds at the market. Once they got to a quiet spot, the girl spoke up.

"What might I answer for you?"

"First off, how old are you and where are you from?"

"Well, I'm from a far away kingdom, I'm sure you've never heard of. And, technically, I'm seventeen." She answered quickly.

"Technically?" Theo asked.

"I turn seventeen next week, so I like to think ahead." The boys nodded at her answer, not seeing through the lie. Although, it was not much of a lie, and more... a half truth.

"Next, are you of royal descent?" Tobias interrogated her further.

"Not that it matters of course!" Theo elbowed his friend in the side.

"It's perfectly alright, Theodore. As a matter of fact, I am. I'm a princess, next in line to be queen. I don't have any siblings so I have nobody to fight for the throne." Tobias processed her answers.

"What are your intentions with Theo?" Romden spoke up.

"My intentions? I don't mean him any harm, if that's what you mean. He seemed kind, so I thought I could be friendly back. Perhaps, become close friends with him."

"You wont abuse his power?" The guard glared at her. She shook her head with a smile.

"Of course not. I swear." The two nod, allowing her answers. Theo looked between the two, more confused than before.

"You have our blessing."

"I'm sorry, what?!" Theo exclaimed, shocked by their wording. His two friends laughed, then walked away, leaving Theo and Syn alone. The prince chuckled awkwardly as Syn smiled politely at him.

"I apologize for them, they can be a bit strange at times." He looked over at where his friends were a moment before.

"It's alright, really. I should let you get back to them, I have some shopping of my own to do as well."

"Oh, right. I'm not too sure as to where they ran off to, so might I accompany you for a bit?" He turned back to her.

"If you would like." She shrugged playfully, walking back to the market stalls as Theo followed close behind.

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