Home is With You

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Warren stepped into his bedchambers, closing the door behind him. Once inside, he glanced over to his desk where a dusted old lute was leaning against the wall. With a sigh, he walked over and picked it up, wiping the dust off. The man sat on the ground, leaning his back on the wall as he checked that the instrument was in-tune. When he finished tuning, he began to strum an old song he had written when he was younger. A young ghost appeared in front of him, watching with a sad smile as the king hummed. The tune was quiet but Theo could recognize it anywhere. Warren had written it for Theo after the younger boy was born. As he listened to the tune, the young spirit made up some of his own lyrics as a response to the song. He began to sing along in tune with his older brother. The sun shone brightly on the two as they sang together in harmony, at peace in each other's company. Although Warren couldn't see him, he could feel the warmth of his younger brother's presence. With that knowledge, a smile grew on his face as he closed his eyes. Once they finished singing, Theo grinned once more at his elder brother then disappeared back to the afterlife.

"I see that you've been practicing over the years. I'm glad to hear you play again." Hearing the voice, Warren's eyes snapped open as his head shot up. He quickly looked to the open window where his father was sitting.

"What do you want?" The king growled out, setting down his lute.

"Am I not allowed in my own castle anymore?" Warren laughs, finally snapping.

"Your castle? Oh no no no. This is my castle now Seraph. You gave this all up when you abandoned us nine years ago!"

"And I'm trying to make up for that. I'm sorry I left-"

"I highly doubt that. Why are you back?"

"I wanted to apologize. About your mother and about my leaving. I was in a lot of pain, and you look so much like her, it hurt to see you."

"Nonsense. I may look like her, and that may be why you have returned, but you do not want to apologize. I know that for a fact. You just felt pity for me since I've lost everything. You caused this!" Seraph stood up and stepped towards him.

"Do not use that tone with me, young man. I am still your father, and I will not allow you to speak that way towards me." Warren lunged at his father, grabbing him by the shirt.

"You are not my father. You threw that title out the door the second you left. I will never call you by that word ever again, so do not count yourself as part of my nonexistent family. You are no father. A father would have been there for his children when they were sick. You were not the one that raised Theo through all the good and bad times. Mash and I were there to take care of him, not because we had to, but because we wanted to. That orc was more of a father than you ever were."

"I'm sorry for all the pain I caused you, my boy."

"No you aren't. And don't think so highly of yourself. You did not cause all of this. Sure, you started most of it, but not everything revolves around you and your choices."

"If only you knew." The man whispered under his breath. Annoyed, Warren pushed his father away and stepped back.


"You're kicking me out of my kingdom?"

"This isn't your kingdom anymore. It's mine. Leave now before I call the guards over. Never show your worthless face in my kingdom again. I wish that I never knew you."

"And I wish that things could have been different."

"Yet they weren't. Now go on." Seraph sighed and stood on the windowsill. He glanced back at his former son, then jumped out the window, flying away from his home once more.

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