Fallen Monarchy

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A tall figure pulled his cape hood over his scruffy, dirty blonde hair. He floated through the village up to the castle doors. No guard was outside since one was on patrol, two training, and others inside the castle. He chuckled to himself and teleported inside, hidden in a hall that was unguarded. His glowing white eyes scanned the other halls, searching for the king's study, until landing on the prince. The figure's smile grew as he teleported behind the blonde teenager, grabbing his sides tightly, using his other two hands to keep the boy quiet. As he pulled Theo out towards the king's study, he used one of his hands to make a curtain around them, concealing them from the guards' eyes. Keeping quiet, the demon dragged the squirming prince to the study, summoning a sword and stabbing the teen in the back. He threw the door open like Theo would, and pushed him inside, his sword dripping with blood.

"Warren-" The prince choked out, stumbling.

"Not now Theo, I'm busy." He waved off his younger brother.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't.... Couldn't stop him." Theo coughed, blood seeping into his shirt.

"I already assured you time and time again, it wasn't your fault that father left." He replied quickly. A thud came from behind the king.

"Theo, can you please stop knocking my items over? It's not funny." There was no response.

"Theo?" Warren called out again, worried. Letting the fear get the best of him he turned around, his eyes widened at the sight. In front of the doorway was his younger brother lying on the ground, a stab wound in his back as blood pooled around him. He stared in horror, slowly looking up at the figure standing over the body.

"Alone again, little king?" The voice boomed into the room.

"Garroth... why. Why did you kill him, why are you here?" He shouted back.

"Because little king, he was an obstacle in the way. I didn't want it to come to this, but it had to be done so that I could get what I wanted." The demon grinned at him.

"He was fifteen Garroth! He was a child!" His voice cracked.

"Oh Warren, I'm a demon. I don't care who I kill or how old they are. He was in my way, and I needed to get the job done. Also, there's no hope in saving him. The sword I used makes it so that the wounded will live for only a minute or so while bleeding out, until their ultimate demise." Garroth laughed.

"What do you want from me?" Warren growled out, holding back his tears.

"You know what I want, Warren. I want your kingdom. I want to be the ruler, and I will do anything to make it come true."

"You can have this kingdom over my corpse."

"Oh I will, gladly. But do you really want it to come so quickly?"

"No. I won't hand my kingdom over. And I won't let you hurt anyone else that I love. That said, I declare war against you and your army. We shall meet on the battlefield at dawn on the 18th. You want my kingdom, you'll have to kill me for it."

"And I will. I accept your declaration, and I wish you luck. You and your army will very much need it." Garroth chuckled quietly, turning into smoke and disappearing. The king finally broke. Hearing his cries, the castle guards rushed into his study and froze at the scene in front of them. Warren held his younger brother tightly against his chest, sobbing into his hair.

"Please don't leave me Theo. You're all I have left. I need you." His cries and pleas were muffled in the boy's golden hair. He felt a small, warm breath against his chest until it faded, Theo's skin growing cold.

"Medic! Please, save him! One of you, go fetch a medic, or a priest! Anyone!" He shouted up at the guards as they scrambled to find the castle medic. Warren stroked the prince's hair, choking out sobs as he felt his younger brother's life fading before him. Why did it have to be him? The king thought to himself. What god hates him enough to take away his entire family? Warren was alone once again. Gods, how he hated being alone.

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