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Natalie looked at Tommy in shock. He looked exactly how he did when they first met. "Tommy, what is going on?" She questioned. "Who the hell are you people," Tommy questioned in response. "Answer that, then we'll figure it out." He stated. Matt stepped up to Tommy. "We're your team," He replied. "Come on, you know that." He added. Tommy looked at everyone in the group before pausing at Gwen. "A Frost, I've killed one of those before." He stated. Gwen prepared for a fight as she generated a sharpened icicle. Suddenly a random spark of glitch-like patterns surfaced throughout the room, similar to what had been done to Tommy. Some of the group started being affected as their powers were weakened by the effect.

"Yeah, about that," A voice said from behind. "Sorry about this, Screech." The voice said before an ice blast hit Tommy, knocking him to the ground. Charlie had arrived with Bella. "I'll hold him off," He stated. "Get everyone out of here." He told Bella. Bella nodded before using her speed to pull the team out before Tommy could stand. "You're supposed to be dead." Tommy stated to Charlie. "Yeah, I've seen the gravestone," Charlie responded. "Tell me something I don't know." He stated. The two fought for a while and Tommy seemed to get the upper hand at first before Charlie sent another blast, catching him off guard. Bella came back as Charlie's eyes glowed silver and his hands released a mystical energy. "Abscondere in gelu!" He shouted before the energy surrounded Tommy before freezing him into a statue.

Charlie's eyes stopped glowing and he turned to see Bella. "Since when the hell can you do that?" She questioned in surprise. "That's complicated actually." Charlie replied. Bella walked over to the now frozen body, trying to make sense of what she had just seen. "What did you do exactly?" She questioned. "He's alive, don't worry," Charlie assured her. "It's a contaiment spell, kind of like when plants are frosted over in the winter." He explained. Bella looked at him in confusion as she continued processing what she had seen. "How long have you been doing this?" She questioned. "First time in a while," Charlie replied. ""Let's just worry about this problem first." He told Bella in order to change the subject.

Meanwhile, Natalie and the others were locked within an abandoned building. "What's going on," She heard Matt ask. "Who were those people?" He questioned. "I don't know," Natalie claimed. "Why are you lying," Gwen questioned. Natalie looked at her in confusion. "You're dad had a file on Charlie Snow, my uncle." Gwen stated. "And I has just talked with that girl today, Bella," Bree added. "She said she was looking for someone." She told the team. "Why would she be looking for Tommy?" Natalie questioned. Bree was silent for a moment before saying what she had heard from Bella about a boyfriend no longer knowing she existed.

"Tommy's girlfriend, but that doesn't make sense," Natalie claimed. "He never said anything about dating a speedster." She stated. Leo scoffed. "Yeah well, he's not exactly the easiest person to communicate with," He stated before recognizing the name. "Wait, Tommy has been mumbling that name for a few days now." He added. "Do you think he knows her?" Matt questioned. Natalie shook her head, unsure of what to think. "Even if he does," She replied. "Why race the rest of us to who knows where?" She asked as she looked around the abandoned building.

"It's not going to matter," A voice said from upstairs. The team looked at the upper floor to see Sin standing at the railing with a smug look. "None of this was ever supposed to exist anyway," She stated. "Not even your little band of MISFITS that call yourselves a team." She added. Leo became frustrated before his arm generated a glitch-like appearance, causing pain in it. "Your reality is unstable," Sin stated as the group remained in shock of what was happening. "Thanks to Bella and that Frost boy, you're all gonna fall apart just like Rory here." She stated as she walked downstairs and neared Leo. Leo's arm stopped glitching as a flame ignited in his hand. "How's this for falling apart?" He replied before using the flames on Sin, burning her down to ashes. "You're a Metahuman?" Natalie questioned. Leo looked at his hand and shrugged. "I am now apparently." He replied.

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