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Tommy was training in the original Team Arrows old base when Sin walked in. "Though I'd find you here." She said with a smile. Tommy looked at her. "Had some stuff on my mind." He said. "I can tell." Sin said. "The team, your mom's's a lot." She told him. "But you don't have to do it alone." She said, holding Tommy's hands. "Because I'm not going anywhere." She said before they kissed.

When Tommy looked at her again, she had changed. He wasn't talking to Sin anymore; Bella appeared in her place. "Are you okay?" Bella asked. "What is happening right now?" Tommy asked. Bella kept saying Tommy's name as her voice changed and faded before it was suddenly Leo's voice. Tommy opened his eyes to find himself back at the base with a massive headache.

"What did you drink last night?" Leo asked. "Found you passed out outside." Tommy sat up and looked around. "When did I even leave the club?" He asked. "And why is the room spinning?" He asked. Leo looked at him. "Side effects of too much drinking." He said, holding his hand. Tommy took it and let Leo help him to his feet.

"Thanks." He said, putting his hand on his head. "I feel like I got hit by a truck...a lot." He added. Leo laughed. "Yeah, well," He said. "With all honesty, you look like crap." He added. "Thanks," Tommy said, sarcastically rolling his eyes. Leo chuckled and then looked at Tommy. "So, who's Bella?" Tommy looked at Leo with a confused expression. "Hey, you were mumbling something about her in your sleep," Leo said.

Tommy thought for a moment. The events from the previous night were fuzzy. "Right, I met someone named Bella at the club," He stated. "It's weird though, she kinda seemed familiar," He added. Leo looked at Tommy in uncertainty. "Good familiar or bad familiar?" He questioned. Tommy shook his head. "Honestly, I'm not sure," He replied. "It just seems like I've seen her somewhere before." He added.

Meanwhile, back in the training room, Matt was continuing to work on his powers when Bree came in. "Do you ever stop training?" Bree questioned with a chuckle. Matt laughed and turned towards her. "We need to be prepared for anything, right?" He asked. Bree nodded. "True," She replied. "I see the cut healed." She added. "Sorry again about that." She apologized. "No worries," Matt replied. "Wanna go a few rounds?" He offered. Bree smiled and nodded. "Let's see what a Danvers' is made of." She challenged.

"In that case," Matt said as he floated in the air. "Let's have some fun." He suggested. Bree looked at him with a determined look. "Catch me if you can fire boy." She said before racing around the room with her super speed. Matt flew after Bree in attempt to catch her. She was faster than Matt had thought she was and avoided every fireball he threw. After a few minutes, Matt managed to grab a hold of Bree, sending both of them rolling onto the floor.

Both Bree and Matt laid side by side on the ground as they caught their breaths from the training. "I have to admit, I'm impressed." Matt stated. Bree laughed. "What, never trained with a girl?" She questioned. Matt laughed before looking at her. "I've never trained with a speedster that fast." He stated. Bree looked at Matt as they looked into each other's eyes. "You're not too bad yourself." She added. Matt looked at her and blushed slightly.

Matt rolled over so he could face Bree, and brushed back a strand of hair out of her face. Bree could feel her heart racing, but not in the way it usually felt. She was nervous and unsure about how she felt. "I uh," She said, trying to think quickly. "I should probably see if Natalie is expecting anything." She said. Matt felt awkward but agreed. "Of course." He replied.

At the same time, Gwen was at a computer in another part of the base. She wanted to get whatever information she could on whoever Charlie was. After a while she ended up going into Tommy's file and finding a new name she hadn't seen. "Who's Frost Assassin?" She asked herself before clicking on the file. In the file was a boy with her family's powers, along with Frost Assassins' real name, Charlie Snow. According to the file, Charlie was presumed dead as a child with a closed casket funeral. "If he's alive," Gwen thought to herself. "I wonder who's under his gravestone." She said to herself in thought.

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