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Bella wasn't sure what to make of what had happened. An Adaptoid version of her boyfriend forced her into the Speed Force, and now she stood in front of another speedster who already knew who she was. "I was told I'd find you here eventually." Liz Garrick told her with a smile. Bella looked at her curiously. "I thought the speed force was the only thing that could talk to Speedster here." She told Liz. Liz chuckled and understood her thinking. "In most cases, that's true," She admitted. "But our world's version is slightly more loose when it comes to communicating." She explained.

Bella was confused at her statement. "Our world," She repeated. "What do you mean?" She questioned. Liz looked around and motioned for Bella to follow her before racing off in a streak of lightning. Bella raced after her until they reached another city that seemed familiar to her. "Do you know why Charlie appeared for Frost?" Liz questioned Bella. "It's the same reason you see this place in the Speed Force." She added. Bella looked at the city before noticing a sign with the name Waterstone. "Once we entered the pocket dimension, it became unstable," She realized. "It started acting on our own memories, even one's we had forgotten." She added.

Near the sign, Bella noticed a piece of paper with a missing child poster. She immediately recognized it as herself from years ago. "Lockwood." She read the last name aloud. At that moment, lightning cracked I'm the sky, and things began to change around her. "Leave them alone!" Bella heard a man shout. She turned to see a man in a suit similar to Godspeed and a woman shooting arrows at a speeding target. The red lightning stopped to reveal the reverse flash, Eobard Thawne. "If I can’t destroy your family, Allen," Thawne told the man. "Might as well make it personal for your friend." He stated.

Just then, a streak of lightning raced by, knocking Thawne to the ground. "If you think you’re going to lay a hand on my daughter," the speedster told him in a stern tone. "You are sorely mistaken." She added. Thawne chuckled as he got to his feet. "Where is little Sparky anyway?" He asked before everything went back to normal. "He took me from my home, my family," Bella said as she thought about what she had seen. "That's why he never wanted to talk about them." She realized before looking at Liz. "My parents did Thawne-" She began to ask before Liz cut her off. "They're fine, so are Baxter Allen and Allison Queen." Liz replied before Bella could finish. "I'm sorry, who are they?" Bella questioned, not recognizing the names. "The other two people from the vision," Liz responded. "They fought alongside your parents to protect you." She stated.

"So if they're okay," Bella said with a hopeful feeling. "I can find them again?" She questioned. Liz nodded in response. "You know where to find them," She stated to Bella. "What matters is if you are willing to." She added. Bella smiled and nodded. "I am, I will be," She told Liz. "But I need to get back to Frost so we can find Tommy." She stated before noticing a rift of lightning appear nearby, creating a portal exiting the Speed Force. "Come with me, please." Bella offered to her. Liz shook her head, though she appreciated the offer. "I'm afraid it's not that simple for me," She told Bella. "But don't worry, you'll see me again soon." She claimed. Bella took a moment to hug Liz before looking back at the portal. She prepared to run as her lightning began to generate around her, turning from red into an orange color. She then raced off into the portal as Liz and the Speed Force reality vanished behind her.

Upon exiting the Speed Force, Bella found herself in front of a high school. She walked around and could hear voices of people who were nowhere to be found. As she continued walking to where the voices were louder, Bella could see someone familiar. "Frost," She questioned. His appearance had been changed from Charlie's. "Where are we?" She asked. "I don't remember," Frost responded, his voice seemed broken and confused. "Why can't it all just stop?" He questioned, puzzling Bella. "Frost, what are you talking about?" She asked before the voices were basically shouting at this point.

"You're a psycho," a boy's voice said in a targeted tone. "If you really care about her, you'd get out of her life now." He finished. "You could've cost us the game!" Another older boy's voice shouted. "Would that really be so bad?!" Another voice asked, Frost's voice. "He should've fought," a girl's voice stated in a grieving way. Frost grew wide-eyed as he ran off towards another area of the school. "Frost, wait, hold on!" Bella shouted as she went after him. What was he worried about, and who were these people? "Maya, he was sick." Another girl stated. "He should've fought harder!" The previous girl fired back.

Bella then saw Frost stop in front of a small greenhouse and start to back away. "Frost, are you okay?" She asked. Frost didn't answer and kept mumbling something in confusion and fear as he looked at the greenhouse. Bella looked at the greenhouse and walked closer as Frost stayed behind. Upon nearing the entrance, Bella noticed a person inside and rushed in to possibly get some answers. What she found instead was a boy with brown hair, wearing a red letterman jacket, who wasn't moving. Bella checked for a heartbeat to find no pulse but realized that the boy's face, it was Frost. She immediately went back to see Frost panicking as every voice was now leading straight to him.

"This doesn’t make any sense," Frost said. "Why am I here?" He questioned as a strong energy began surrounding him, causing a strong pain. "Shut up!" He shouted before the energy faded and the voices went dead silent. After a few seconds of registering what just happened, Bella noticed a portal open up, similar to when she escaped. "Frost, now's our chance," She said as she neared the portal. Bella turned to see Frost still frozen in place from shock and went to his side. "I don't know what we just saw," Bella claimed, although she had an idea. "But we need to get out of here." She stated. Frost turned to her for a moment before nodding and going with her through the portal, passing a sign revealing the school as Degrassi High School.

Bella then woke up at the same location the Adaptoid had fought them, seeing Frost laying nearby. "We made it," She claimed with relief. "Frost," She said, as he wasn't responding. She then went over and checked his pulse. It was weak. "Frost, hey, wake up." She pleaded as she tried to shake him awake. A pair of footsteps neared, revealing to be the Adaptoid of Tommy, who Bella prepared to fight, believing he was there to kill them. "This wasn't supposed to happen," the Adaptoid claimed. "I only wanted to scare you away, not this," He admitted. "What have I done?" He questioned as he looked at the rest of the remaining reality that was falling apart.

"It was never about us being here, was it," Bella questioned, finally understanding. "You just wanted to survive." She added. The Adaptoid turned to her. "If I do what you ask, it'll do more than what you think," He explained. "Myself and this reality, my team, will all perish." He stated. "So it's true," a voice said behind them. Bella and the Adaptoid looked to see the team had found their way back. "We really are some fabricated reality." Frankie suggested. "And now we're dying." Leo added. The Adaptoid shook his head, seeming desperate. "I can fix this," He claimed. Natalie shook her head. "Look around. It's nearly gone," She told him. "If you want to save anyone, it should be them," She said, pointing to Bella and Frost. The Adaptoid looked at the two of them, then back at his team before reluctantly agreeing. "Give me the crystal," He told Bella with a bit of hesitation. Bella took the green crystal out of her pocket and walked over, handing it to the Adaptoid, who stared at it for a moment. "Let's show this world what we can do," He told the team. "One last time."

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