Chapter 11: Murderer?

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It's been 11 days since my little heated moment with Noah and I don't know what I'm supposed to do

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It's been 11 days since my little heated moment with Noah and I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I hate not talking to him as bad as it sounds but I like his company.

I just don't think I can do this anymore; the lies, the hiding, the secrecy. It's beginning to become too much too fast and I don't know how to stop it. Too much stress will only cause my health to deteriorate and I can't afford for that to happen, not here not now, especially since I'm so far away from home.

I didn't mean to be so closed off with Noah but I've only just met him and although he seems like a genuine guy, I want to be 100% sure first. But most importantly I don't want to give him that burden, I don't want to pass my problems onto someone else because they don't deserve that. Noah doesn't deserve that. Everything is just so complicated at the moment, I don't know why this is happening too me, I've never struggled to breathe as bad as that when I won the race. I know it's getting worse but I don't know what to do.

It's currently 7pm, and I'm bored out of my mind considering the drama packed week I've had; there has been rumours on campus that a girl has gone missing, well she hasn't returned to her dorm since yesterday and her roommate is convinced that something is wrong because it's unlike her to not show up. But I think she's probably gotten black out drunk and passed out somewhere from the the frat party that happened yesterday.

I'm up on the rooftop again, which has become my sanctuary where I come up here whenever I need to figure my thoughts out. I'm sitting on a plush chair in a seating area that I didn't know was up here until three nights ago; it's pretty, there's fairy lights intwined in the chairs and the railings.

I had a class and practice today which meant I was able to hang out with Cara and Amelia and I never thought I'd say this but they are becoming like sisters to me. I love them so much and I know that  I can count on them for anything. I also saw the guys today in Starbucks before practice, Noah was there but we didn't look or speak to each other although his presence intimidated me. Whenever he walks into a room I know he's there, he carries this alpha vibe about him and what's even more annoying is that he knows he does too.

Suddenly, I hear a door slam shut from behind me which instantly grabs my attention but when I look, no one's there, strange. It takes a lot to freak me out since I thrive off of horror movies but my mind keeps running back to that girls roommate that didn't show up. What if something really did happen to her? No. I'm being silly, that kinda stuff only happens in the movies and besides whoever it is wouldn't be up here looking for me.

The door slams shut again and this time I scream, "Shit!". But when I whip my head around to see who has come to murder me, I see Noah instead. Better than a murder I guess.

"Is everything okay?" He looks concerned for a slight second but quickly returns to his monotonous face.

My hand flys to my chest in attempt to calm my heart rate down, "Did you open that door 2 minutes ago?".

He looks at me confused, "No..why?"

"I...It's just...never mind. What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to talk to you; I figured you'd be here."


"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have invaded your personal business." His voice is that deep and husky I'm struggling to concentrate on what he is saying. He will be the literal death of me.

I'm to exhausted to even get into a debate with him at the moment, "It's okay"

For a moment he look's surprised, "That's it? You're not going to insult me? Call me names like you usually do?"

"No. I accept your apology. It's not that I don't trust you, it's just going to take time. Everyone has parts of their life they find difficult to say aloud. So, all I ask is that you be patient with me."

And with that last part I said, I saw his eyes darken, "Of course." He says.

I drag my attention away from him and stare at the lights that blur in my vision, "What's wrong?", Noah asks taking a seat from beside me with his arms stretched over the pillows like he has no care in the world. I wish I was like that.

"I don't know." I say and that's the truth, I feel so overwhelmed but I can pin point why. I've got everything I could ever want yet I'm not happy.

"What do you mean?"

"Something doesn't feel right around here anymore...the atmosphere has just changed."

"You think it's to do with that girl that hasn't shown up?" He asks. So I'm not the only one thinking about it.

"I didn't think anything of it at first, loads of people go to parties, get pissed drunk and don't show up the next day but...". I look him straight in the eye, "Someone was up here before you came Noah."

"Anyone who lives here can come up here Ser".

"Yes, I know that but something just felt off, I don't know why or what it was that felt off but it just did."

"She'll probably show up by tomorrow morning, she might just be crashing out at someone's place."

"I hope for everyone's sake that's true."

I'm so sorry I've taken so long to update!! I had exams and then it was Christmas, everything has just been so hectic but I hope to get back on track soon! I've also been working on another story! But I won't release it until I have written a few ...

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I'm so sorry I've taken so long to update!! I had exams and then it was Christmas, everything has just been so hectic but I hope to get back on track soon!
I've also been working on another story! But I won't release it until I have written a few chapters and I'm happy with it all ;) something going on in the college? You didn't think this was going to be a straight forward college romance did you? Well it's not lol. ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


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