chapter 1- a phone call

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hi, so basically this fic is set like when Sophie and Agatha arrive however all the shit with Rafal doesn't go down and things run normally in the school, as normal as a magic school could be I guess.

"Y/n." You heard her shout you from the other room, her voice ricocheting through paper thin walls, muffled yet just as loud.

You looked up hastily from what you were doing, your mind half on the book you had been reading and half floating in space.


You finally broke from your trance, her shrill voice had finally pulled you from your hole and back into the world.

"Yep, i'm coming" you said your eyes still glued to the book., You imagined that whatever she wanted couldn't be that urgent, never was.

Your eyes concentrated once again on the words right infront of you, ever since you were a child you were just like this. Always getting lost in books. What made it worse was that you were originally from a rather non magical town, they just assumed you were a really bad daydreamer. Turns out that one of your powers was the ability to jump into books, Although they never did quite understand. Then, when you turned 10 and you were being chased by someone the older kids, down near the creek and you almost fell in; something even stranger happened for the first time. You tripped, on a rock, hurling yourself into the muddy creek with its strong current and jagged riocks. No one had ever taught you how to swim even if you did manage to survive the fall.

You imagined someone to catch you, That you would be pulled back up out of the way, until the children had passed and so that you could walk safely back home. And well, that is exactly what happened. At the last moment before you hit the rocks, something wound its way around your ankle and pulled you into a tree. It was a vine and before it disappeared into the forest, it gave you a little tap on the head and squirmed away like a snake.

If that were to happen to anyone else they wouldn't have believed what they had seen, they would have convinced themselves they had a hallucination despite the fact that, that is not even how hallucinations work. You knew it had happened because, yes, you believed in such thing; and the fact that when the vine caught you it left a bruise. From that day you realised that you could control plants too and well a few years later a wolf dragged you into a forest, then a bird flew you through a strange portal and before you knew it. They were telling you that you were a 'princess'

Underwhelming to say the least, you had seen yourself as more of a warrior woman but you settled for whatever got you out of your hometown and if that had to be princess then princess it was!

That was some years ago now, 6 years exactly since you had graduated. You definitely did not feel like a princess now.

"Daydream over!" She screamed and tore the book out of your hand

Yow awoke suddenly from your trance and found yourself back in your tiny little library, Groaning, you lifted your eyes to look at Artemis, your best friend/ housemate; you guys became friends back at the school, you were veery different but you enjoyed each others company enough, except when she was talking non stop about princes.

"There is someone on the phone for you" she said quietly as she slammed the book on the table and looked down with shock at what you were reading "oh my- hm, sorry I uh interrupted you?"

The books front cover displayed two women sensually kissing each other, you can guess what the contents were.

"Who is it?" You whispered

She mouthed the word the school, you looked at her and whispered "why?!" alarmed.

Artemis rolled her eyes and covered the phone with her hand "I don't know but its the Dean for good"

"Atwood?" you asked shocked

"No no the deans changed when we left silly" she tried to push the phone towards your face "its a Dovey I think"

You grabbed the phone reluctantly from Artemis and braced yourself for what they could possibly want.

"Hello" you winced as you said it

"Y/n black? is that who I am speaking to?"

"Uh, um yep yes" you sat more upright in your chair

"Ah great, I'm Dovey, the Dean for the good"


"Ive been tasked with uh asking you something, as my job of dean, of asking that would you."

A longer more awkward silence

"We have a vacancy, we just had our teacher who previously taught surviving fairytales have some sort of a gnomes equivalent of a midlife crisis and went backpacking to discover some mountains. You're the best student he has ever had, and you are trained. We are hoping that you would be willing to teach"

You stayed silent. Artemis looked at you with prying eyes but you didn't say a word. You thought for a second. You weren't happy here but, you weren't sad either. But then again you did like teaching, it was what you wanted do until Artemis ended up inheriting her mother's kingdom and begged you to stay. But now Artemis has a prince who is courting her so she isn't alone anymore and you missed being independent and not being shut inside a castle all day

Living vicariously through books.

"I'll do it"

You'll do what mouthed Artemis desperately

"That's great. I'll see you at the beginning of term'

"Wait! How do I get-"

She had put the phone down

"-there.... Oh"

You put the phone down and sort of just sat silently for a minute thinking about what had just happened as Artemis stared at you, her green eyes piercing through your soul

"Looks like I'm going back."


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