chapter 7- kill you or fuck you

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Hi , literally writing this just before I go see my friend who just a got a leopard Gecko called egg so now we are leopard gecko owning buddies togeva. Anyway hopefully I will get this done for today, I've acc been so productive and gotten so much sewing done so can get my 1830s outfit finished for a ball next year! Anyway watched school for good and evil last night I fall inn love with her more every time!!


Walking towards the door you thanked the gods that this meeting was finally over, so that you could just go back to your dorm and finish preparing for when the students arrived.

 You must have been walking too slowly or in the 'wrong' place you guessed as Lesso shoved you aside with a shoulder and walked straight past. You heard her laugh as she strutted away. 

you took a second to collect yourself again. It didn't bother you too much, she was so confusing, you began to walk again, glad that she didn't do anything more extreme.

"Hey are you okay?" Dovey asked when she caught up to you. You were just walking out of the door.

smiling at the Dean you mouthed "yeah"

Both of you began to walk the same way towards the teacher dorms "Lady Lesso isn't bothering you, is she?"

"Oh, no, she's just been trying to intimidate me I think. That's all"" you reassured Dovey but Dovey didn't look convinced

"She's usually very cold to new comers but I've never seen her like that before"

You took a while to take that in, why did she want to torture you so much, you had barely been here a day? The two of you stopped walking when you arrived at the top of the stairs and stopped outside the first door, this was where Dovey's room was.

"Really its fine, i'm tough y'know I can take a little evil" you joked with her

Dovey smiled satisfied "okay but Lesso isn't a little evil, she's a lot evil.Tell me if you need me to put her back in place"

"Don't worry I will" you said before walking down the hall towards your room.

Opening your door, you staggered towards your bed and flopped your tired body onto it.   You reminded yourself to give it a few weeks and Lesso would get bored of torturing you constantly. It didn't help that if she wasn't evil and completely intolerable then she would be your type: a strong order woman who was attractively intimidating. You had fallen for plenty of women like her before, just not evil. However, very emotionally unavailable and you managed to convince yourself that they loved you deep down and you could change them. It never worked and it just broke you instead. 

That wouldn't happen with Lesso, you told yourself, because she was evil and you were good, nothing would ever come of it .

 Even if she was very attractive.

Kicking your legs like a child you blew a stray strand of hair out of your face and sighed. The new students weren't arriving for hours, and before you had gotten here you had figured out what you were going to teach them anyway, there isn't much planning you can do for the forest. 

After a little while of internal conflict you decided just to have a rest and maybe do some painting, it's not like you could go to the library just in case Lesso had decided to wonder around the wrong school again. Unfortunately you realised that to paint you actually needed to set up your easel and get out your paints and with a huff you heaved your sleepy body from your bed.

But then, when you had your easel in front of you and paintbrush in your hand. You just sat. You wanted to paint, but, didn't know what to paint.

"Hmmmmmmm" you murmured frustrated and tilted your head to look over your easel and towards the window.

You drew your head back, a little surprised when you saw Lesso in her window.


Placing your paintbrush and pallet down on the set of drawers next to you, you wondered up to the window, making sure that you only peered your head out from behind the curtains slightly.

Lesso was sat peacefully in an armchair reading a green clothbound book.

"How on earth can she see the words, it looks as if she has one candle in there" you said to yourself and stepped out more to see her.

The Dean was sat with most of her back towards the window but at an angle where you could see her sharp side profile, she was enthralled in whatever she was reading. It, was actually a pretty scene. Like a painting......

At that moment you knew you had to paint her, you didn't like her, but that didn't matter. It wasn't your fault she was a total aethstetic!

Pulling your easel slowly over to the window, floorboards groaning as it travelled, you sat down on your chair to begin.

You must have been there for hours, well you were, as when you next checked your pocket watch it was 11.58. "how on earth did I not see the sun going down" muttering to yourself, you placed your paintbrush down and stepped back. You had become enthralled with painting her, you had never seen someone evil with such nice hair. It made you wonder if it was her natural colour or not; you would never dare to ask her.

Shaking the thoughts from your head you focused on what was front of you; it seems you had managed to pretty much get all of Lesso painted, you could get the rest done later as it was just the rest of her room and window so it wouldn't change much. Lesso had moved quite a few times throughout the day every few hours she would disappear for an hour or half but you had pretty much memorised her so it didn't matter. Lesso had left about an hour ago and hadn't returned she was probably actually doing her job unlike you.

"oh god what's wrong with me?" You scalded yourself as you went over to the mirror the check your appearance. Im as much of a creep as her, She would kill me if she knew about this.

Deciding that you pretty much looked the same as this morning, you gave your hair a brush and threw a sheet of fabric over the canvas to protect it (and hide it, you didn't know if the fairies gossiped ) and ran out of the door.

Thankfully you managed to run downstairs and sprint-walk in front of the first group of students to arrive at the hall. You were the last of the teachers but honestly right now you did not care and just went to sit with the rest of the good teachers at the top end of the hall.

Princess Uma looked at you amused when you collapsed into your seat, "somebody's tired, how long did it take you?" She asked referencing to you sprinting here.

You calmed your breath and fixed your posture before pulling out your pocket watch to read it. 12.00 exactly "2 minutes" you announced to her triumphantly

She laughed at your pride "impressive y/n, impressive"

Looking up you caught a glimpse of Lady Lesso who didn't look happy as she slammed her staff on the floor "quiet you two" she hissed "and y/n no need to run. If I wanted you out of breath I would just make eye contact with you princess"

Dovey rolled her eyes furiously "Lesso what have I told you, you are not  allowed to tell my staff what to do"

Lesso chuckled as if what Dovey said was a joke.

" I can't tell if she wants to Fuck you or murder you" Uma whispered in reference to Lesso and laughed.

Quickly you hit Uma on the arm to get her to shut up, your face was bright red "she very clearly wants to kill me! She alluded to it in the library earlier"

You and Uma attended the school at the same time when you were younger, she had a connection to animals and you guess it just matched your connection to nature; you liked her most of the time but she loved to joke around.

Everyone now decided to shut up as most of the students were arriving.

a/n- short one besties but I've been burdened with the task of shortening a pair of curtains for my family. yayyy *sarcasm*

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