Chapter 23

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Whoa where did the time go? I'm already four months pregnant! So either this month or next month I'll get to know the gender of the baby. We're going to an ultrasound to have a check up and see how the baby is doing, who knows maybe we'll get told that we can know the gender.

"Hey Emma?" Zayn asked.


"What if the baby isn't ok?" He asked nervously.

"What kind of dumb question is that? The baby is fine. I've been careful with it for the past four months Zayn," I told him as I waddled down the stairs holding my belly. My stomach is big now so that means five more months till this bundle of joy is here!

It hurts to sit though. I can't really bend down at all to pick up something so Zayn has to do it. He doesn't mind it all which is a good thing!

Once Zayn helped me get into the car we drove to the hospital for the check up. Zayn's parents said that they'll come visit us when they are able to get here from the UK. His mum, Trisha had told me that Zayn moved to the states cause he wants to know what it's like to be with a lot of Americans. It's dumb I know. She said something like that to be honest.


At the hospital the desk person said that we have to wait in the waiting room for and hour! Cause the nurse had technological difficulties with the ultrasound computer thing.

We walked into the room where kids were playing with toys and little play houses in the corners and in the center of the room. I smiled. I can't wait till this baby is out. But I was told it'll be a pain in the ass because I'll have to get up really really in the morning to change and feed the child when it cries.

I know it'll be challenging cause the fact that this was my first kid. But hey I want to know how it'll be like to be a mother.

We sat down on the read leather couch and just stared at the kids. Yes, I was day dreaming what it'll be like when she/he comes.

This little girl with blonde hair and pig tails came up to me.

"Hi," she said with her little voice.

"Hi sweetie," I said leaning to her. "Where's your mommy and daddy?"

She shrugged, I looked at Zayn nervously. Where are her parents? God please tell me she isn't lost!

"Did your mommy and daddy bring you here?" I asked trying to stay calm. My heart is racing like a horse running.

She didn't answer. She just climbed up with her small legs onto the couch. She looked at my stomach and pointed at it. "What's in your tummy?" She asked. I just have to say she seems like she's at least 3 years old.

"There's a baby in here, we might find out today if it's a boy or a girl," Zayn cooed touching my stomach.

"You ate the baby?!" She shouted.

I laughed, "Haha no silly, the baby is growing inside,"

"What's your name honey?" Zayn asked.

"Carly," She answered playing with her fingers.

"Hi Carly, I'm Zayn and this is Emma," he introduced.

She giggled and laid down on my legs. I brushed her hair with my fingers. This is just scary what if her parents didn't bring her here? Where are they?

"Zayn? What if she doesn't have a mom and a dad? What if they abandoned her?" I said with a worried look on my face.

I honestly don't know what to do. I don't want to leave her hear when I get an ultrasound! I asked Zayn if he could go up to the desk and ask if they could watch Carly.


An hour passed and a nurse finally came in. "Emma?" She called.

I looked up and smiled. We followed her down the hall and I couldn't help but keep looking back making sure Carly is ok.

We walked into the white room that had a black floor and white walls and chairs. "You can lay down on that bed over there. I'll be back with ultrasound kit." She informed us.

I laid down and wrapped up my black shirt for the nurse and waited patiently for her to come back. My eyes wander around the room looking one pic to another. Zayn's brown eyes glowed as he held my hand.

The nurse came back in with the black ultrasound screen thing and the supplies.

"Will we be able to know the gender?" I asked her when she was setting up.

"More likely you might. Woman have different months that they'll get to know the gender. Some are four months, five, or six months." She said. "Ok this will be cold so be prepared." She warned us before applying the gel for taking the picture.

Dang she was right! It was cold I can feel the baby move. She turned on the screen and put the ultrasound probe and moved it around.

"The baby looks good, I have good new for you!" She said excitedly.

"What? What is it?" I asked eagerly.

"You can know that gender of that baby!" She exclaimed nicely.

"What is it?! A boy or a girl?!" I demanded but I said it nicely not rudely.

"Ok, here we go...the gender of the baby is a ---"

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