Chapter 24

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"Ok here we go...the gender of the baby is a girl!" The nurse said, "Congrats!"

I smiled. Yes! A baby girl! "Really?! Oh my God sweet!" I exclaimed.

"Wow that's great!" Zayn said.

She wiped off the gel and let us go. "Omg I can't believe we're having a girl! And I think I have a name you'll like! This is go exciting!" I squealed.

"Yikes Emma, Its just a girl," he laughed. I couldn't stop looking down at my stomach! Gosh you don't know how excited I am!

We walked out of the hallway and into the waiting room. I looked around for Carly to see if she's still here. Luckily the was playing with the little kids in the toy box. I smiled but then got thus sudden rush of worry. She has to be abandoned. There's no way her parents could even be gone that long and leave her by herself in the room around strangers! She looked across the room and saw me standing there. She giggled and ran over to me and gave me a hug.

"Hi sweetie," I said trying to bend down to give her a big hug. "Your mommy or daddy didn't get you?"

She shocked her head, "no."

I looked up at Zayn biting my bottom lip. I do that a lot when I'm worried or scared.

I tried to get back up but it was hard having a big stomach. Zayn saw me struggling and held his hand out and pulled me up.

"Zayn, her parents aren't even here, the wouldn't stay here for so long or even keep her in here with a room full of strangers! We can't leave her here Zayn, we have to bring her home with us," I urged him.

He sighed, a good sigh and smiled, "Alright but first we gotta make sure if the desk lady say anyone come in with her," notified Zayn.

I nodded and looked down at Carly and smiled. "Come on let's go home,"

She smiled and giggle. Taking my hand we walked over to the desk and asked if anyone brought her in with them.

"Hmm, I don't remember, let me check on the security cameras," She suggested.

Zayn nodded and we looked at the cameras. I froze. Someone did abandon her! Outside on the cameras someone dropped her off and drove away with her crying! "Uh ma'am do you mind if we like adopt her and bring her home?" I asked.

"Yeah sure," she said. I nodded and said thanks and said thanks.

We walked outside and to the car. It was a beautiful afternoon, the sun was shinning bring off hot heat and Palm trees weren't swinging just a little bit.

"We need to adopt her," I told Zayn as soon as I got into the car after buckling Carly up.

"Yeah I know but we need to fill out papers though, but we are going to adopt her no matter what," Zayn smiled.

"Thank you Zayn!" I squealed giving him a hug. "We should go to the store and buy her clothes, toys, shoes, car seat and maybe a bed,"

"True, we should do that today, and we could go to the adoption place and fill out papers tomorrow," He said.

"You hear that Carly? We'll be your new parents!" I said enthusiastically.

"Yay!" She cheered throwing her little arms in the air. Carly grabbed random things that were near her and threw them at the windows, Zayn, Me, and the floor. It was funny seeing her mostly throwing things at Zayn.

"Hey be nice silly," I said tickling her. She giggled and giggled.

We pulled into the big parking lot of Wal-Mart and searched and searched for a parking spot to put Zayn's Bentley Continental GT car in. The whole lot was packed, cars were coming in and out at the same time making it harder to find a spot. Luckily, we found a spot and put the car in park. I got out of the car and almost forgot about Carly being a mom now is weird. But hey at least I can experience it before the baby girl is born.

Speaking of the baby girl, I should ask Zayn if he likes the name I picked, "Zayn, do you want to know the name I picked out?" I asked.

"No, not at all," Zayn said sarcastically. "Duh! Tell me!"

"I was thinking of Brit, Brit Rose Malik?" I suggested.

He took my hands and looked at me straight in the eyes, "I love it!" He said kissing me on the cheek.

Butterflies fluttered in my stomach. The way he say I love it made my heart melt.

I walked into the clothing section and picked out cute clothes for Carly and some shoes while Zayn took Carly into the toy section. Of course before I went I checked her shoe size and clothing size.

There was this cute little shirt that said Big Sister in the middle of it with flowers surrounding it, it was too cute not to buy. The rest I bought her shorts, shirts and dresses as well as tennis shoes and sandals. I met Zayn and Carly by the candy section, why didn't I know Zayn would bring her here.

Zayn and Carly were digging around for bags of candy and stuffy there faces with candy, what you call "samples" or something like that.

"What are my two monkeys doing?" I chuckled.

Zayn looked up with sugar around his mouth and Carly on the floor playing with the bags. "You know just chillin'" said Zayn.

We checked out everything and put the bedding stuff in the way back then strapped the mattress onto of Zayn's car. Then we were off back home.


I showed Carly around the house while Zayn unloaded the car. I decided to sleep in Zayn's room now and have Carly sleep in my old room.

After everything way unloaded and put to where they belong we sat down in the living room and watched Frozen. Which Carly suggested.

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