Chapter 14

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My alarm clock buzzed the following morning. I woke up with the sun right in my eyes I had my curtains closed who opened them? Squinting my eyes I looked up and went to the window to feel where the end if the curtains were. My eyes finally adjusted the darkness when it was closed without a peak of light going through it.

Then here comes Zayn barging in. "Emma! Guess what?!" He shouted.

"Whoa calm yourself. What is it Zayn?" I laughed.

"There's this dance thing tonight and I really want to go! Will you come with me?" He asked taking my hand.

I laughed, "Of course I will!" I gave hi a hug and went to my closet and pulled out my favorite dress that has a black top with a hot pink waist then went in the shoe box and pulled out a pair of black high heels. Even though the dance was tonight I still want to get ready so it won't be a last minute thing. I grabbed the dress and headed into the bathroom to get dressed but before I got in there I heard what sorta sounds like screeching. Zayn came around the corner looking confused as I am, we tip-toed to where it was coming from. What in the world is making that noise? I winced as the noise got louder. And there it was cat having babies in the yard! It was an ordinary sound it was a weird noise.

"Omg Zayn a cat is having freaking babies in our yard! What do we do?" I asked.

Zayn looked out at another widow for a better view. Is this her first litter? After a moment of silence Zayn managed to speak, "Lets go out and help her, she's scared."

We walked towards the sliding door Chester came running in between my legs and raced towards the screaming cat. "Chester No!" I yelled.

He ran towards the cat and started licking her over and over. What? Could it be? Omg these are his kits! I wonder why he takes so long to come inside then usual. Zayn and I were surprised. We raced out there to help the poor cat. And after she was done we carried her inside with her kits. "We should keep her Emma, I mean we can't leave her by herself watching these kits," Zayn called.

"Yes we should." I agreed.


We arrived the dance. Lots of celebrities were there! There was Adam Levine, Pharell, Sam Smith, Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande!!, Pit Bull! And so much more! This is amazing! I mostly talked to Ariana and Pit Bull and obviously Zayn.

A slow dance came on and Zayn approached and took my hand a pulled me onto the dance floor. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his hands on my waist. I never felt so loved before. Tears started rolling down my face and Zayn pulled me closer and rubbed my back. I rest my head gently on his shoulder and slowed dance with him.

"I love you Zayn," I whispered.

"I love you too Emma," he said. He gave me a kiss and I gave one back.

*few hours later*

We're still at the dance. It pretty much goes until midnight. Zayn is talking to his friends and having a great time. Then there was a slow dance again. I thought Zayn would grab me but he grabbed another girl. I let them dance together for a bit then out of no where Zayn leaned in and kissed the girl.

"ZAYN!" I yelled. Then I fled to the door and into the parking lot running towards the woods.

"Emma wait!" He begged.

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