Steven She Didn't Know Okay? 😅😅😅😅

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Owen: Hey, Steven. I got you a Quarter Pounder from McDonald's.

Steven: Oh, thank you.

Owen: Yeah, sure.

Steven: *walks off for a minute*

Royal-T-Dreams: Ooh, food! *eats Steven's Quarter Pounder* That hit the spot!

Steven: Where's my Quarter Pounder?

Royal-T-Dreams: Wait, that was yours?

Steven: You ate it?! How could be so stupid?!

Me: Hey, chill out, man! She didn't know!

Iris: No big deal!

Steven: What am I supposed to eat now?! Owen got that burger for me!

Owen: You should have told her that was your burger, and she wouldn't have ate it!

Royal-T-Dreams: Facts! I'm not a mind reader!

Steven: I hate this! You no good, two timing....... *continues ranting*

Charlotte: Steven, calm down!

Steven: *continues ranting*

Brandon: Take it easy!

Steven: *continues ranting*

Mental Institution People: Okay, okay, just relax! You're coming with us! *takes Steven to the van*

Steven: *continues ranting while he is being taken to the mental institution van*

Shayla: Dude needs to chill!

Royal-T-Dreams: For real, babe!

This story was written on Wednesday, November 9th, 2022.

A/N Steven, it was an accident! She didn't know it was your Quarter Pounder! 😅😅😅😅 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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